Trump forces the immigration issue into mainstream, video games get woke go broke, mail voting issue
Published on 12 Sep 2024 / In
News & Politics
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What? You were gone a week? Damn... I've been behind: I didn't notice bro...
The thing about Ubishit is they forced all those creative, talented "toxic" masculine men out of the company...
I care if it's diverse game... if diverse, not buying it. If you dig into these failing companies, I can almost guarantee one thing Vanguard Investments and its bitch Blackrock Investments are combined the majority stock holders. Vanguard I strongly believed if not confirmed is the Rothchilds.
Jew Tube will be taken out by the courts in the near future for all its illegal censoring and silencing of people violating their rights... I hope to see their NSA funded company broken up...
If they can't drive, who gave them cars? Start prosecuting those idiots...