But he is just one man. The only way to take back the country, or humanity at this point, is for every one of us to never surrender our self respect. When the gov't oversteps it's bounds, refuse to obey. And that even means if Trump is leading then or not. (Mr. Operation Warp Speed with the fake vax, who could've pardoned Assange and Snowden in his last days but did not). By all means, vote for him if he doesn't bow out before the election, but hold him accountable as much as anyone else, that includes our own selves.
Oh no... there is no taking back the country. The country cant continue on it current path or trajectory. It wont be able to afford it. Its 'mean-time-to-RESET'. A reset would be the best thing to happen to the U.S. We desperately need it.
@Eggy Noggy: That's why I said take back humanity. This is bigger than just the U.S. or the west. The dystopia comes from realms in the unseen. It controls the left and the right. Politicians are puppets and the problem, nothing but gophers. 8 billion people on earth cannot be controled by a relative handful unless the people give up their power and give in to the controlers. Power is in the word "NO!"
Like him or hate him, one cannot deny Trump is a FORCE to be reckoned with. And I would not be too shocked if he gets elected and steals additional terms because Americans will riot when its time for him to leave office.
@Eggy Noggy: No, Americans understand that DT has only one more term left in office...that's why he has to be diligent when selecting the proper running mate!
@bigintol03: No. No other president in the history of American presidents ever made a Jan 6th type of event happen. None. Like i said if he gets elected and the war gets out of control towards the end of his term, be prepared for a non-election and him sticking around for a bit longer. People were predicting this with biden a few years ago, but I think it has a higher chance of happening with DT at the helm.
Americans love DT the way Russians love Putin. I lived in St Petersburg for a couple years and I can confirm that Russian Patriotism is on a level that even the most patriotic American is too 'Free' and 'Liberated' to comprehend. Those motherfuckers are an atomic-unit over there and even the religious people there put their russian patriotism on full display. I havent seen ANYTHING at that level here in the U.S.
@bigintol03: Sure. But no other president could invite americans to an OBVIOUS fucking rally and get that kind of a turn out. Period. Obama couldnt pull that off with the blacks or the LGBT, Dubya couldnt pull that even with republicans after 911 happened. Sorry. It just is what it is....
@bigintol03: I can go on for days about the shit I saw in Russia... I walked into a russian church and saw stained glass renderings of biblical figures that had black skin. Dude. Russia culture-shocked me way harder than fucking Africa, Morroco, Saudi Arabia and the balkans did.
@bigintol03: Cheering for the underdog and actually understanding what an 'Underdog' is are two different things. Right? The United States is an Empire and not even remotely an underdog. yet, most people living here think AMERICA is 'the underdog'. ..
If he sold a million sneakers at 399+ tax, dude made a quick and easy 400 million in one hour. So he paid back the 350 bullshit fine and pocketed 50 mill. And this is just the first batch of shoes sold, folks. Fucking hell!!
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Everyone, please sit with this..... Trump made almost a half a BILLION dollars in one fucking hour.... ONE FUCKING HOUR, PEOPLE.......
But he is just one man. The only way to take back the country, or humanity at this point, is for every one of us to never surrender our self respect. When the gov't oversteps it's bounds, refuse to obey. And that even means if Trump is leading then or not. (Mr. Operation Warp Speed with the fake vax, who could've pardoned Assange and Snowden in his last days but did not). By all means, vote for him if he doesn't bow out before the election, but hold him accountable as much as anyone else, that includes our own selves.
If he sold a million sneakers at 399+ tax, dude made a quick and easy 400 million in one hour. So he paid back the 350 bullshit fine and pocketed 50 mill. And this is just the first batch of shoes sold, folks. Fucking hell!!