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Trump, Israel and The New Third Temple - David Icke Mirror Dot-Connector Videocast

Published on 24 Dec 2024 / In News & Politics

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago  

I know how you hate Trump, but Trump knew how they operated, the Deep State: That is why he is so dangerous to them. Trump admitted this: The Rothchilds aee like evil as fuck. Though, Alistar Crowley may have been more evil, and George Soros (Satantic) NAZI Jew, who killed Jews, works for them... It does not surprise me if the RothchildsI control or influence casinoes too. I know they buttfuck all News anchor candidtes in the EU and they approve all journalists, er urnalists, students in the broadcasting schools. They also have influence on American and Canadian likely Mexican anchors too... not sure if they buttfuck them too. Killary Clinton mentioned once having to get permission to run for President and having to make the case for her since "she could win"... I'll bet it was to the Rothchilds, or their lieutenants at least.

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Hate Trump Nope I just dont fall for the lies he is spreading yep I agree he is better than CUM SWALLOWER HARRIS however he is installed by his JEW PUPPET MASTERS and was the one who pushed America further into debt printing $7Trillion and will print more when he is back in Office, I agree those CUNTS that you mentioned are way worse or just the same they all bow to their JEW FAGGOTT MASTERS and they all Worship Satan, Not a Fan of Trump I can see his Bullshite and America is in for one helluva shiteshow when he is installed and draft comes down the pipes however we can agree to disagree and if i am proven wrong id be the first to admit it, I was recently reminded that the video I got this from DAVID ICKE is controlled oppositon something I forgot about and was reminded of so shows you and everyone how much I really know, which is fuck all haha always great talking with you have a great and Happy New year GODBLESS GOD BE WITH YOU GODSPEED \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Icke is co trolled opposition? Thst is news to me, but it makes sense. I know say wuth the UFO stuff that there real I daresay "specialists" investigatingbit, but the "guberment" sent out dissociation agents who gave a little bit of truth but they added a lot of bullshit to make it cloudy. They sometimes mistakrn the real UFOlogists or investigators for them, disinformation agents uding government codes/phrases. It makes sense though: Icke said domethings that are true or sounded true... apparently he has been doing this since the 90s? In the middle of cancel culture? And he's attacking Trump an aweful lot? It's like the controlled opposition of Daily Wire using Leftist tactics and lawfare?! They fear the Truth znd lawyer up agsinst thrir dissenting employees... though to be fair I was about to say Canvas... fuck that black chick who left? She is a grifter. I remember when I furst say her online, she wasca flaming Leftist feminist... "Money" made her uhm "Rightwing."

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@WMHarrison94: Yeh Brother you know your stuff, CANVAS haha I had to read that 3 time to finally get it you Meant that Black Bitch CANDACE OWENS yeah I knew she was a grifter Gold Digging Whore the moment I heard her and she in bed with JEW SHAPIRO CUNT yeah too good to be true she all about the SHEKELS wouldnt be surprised if she was getting RUSSIAN MONEY like that Whore CHINK CUNT LAUREN CHEN and DIM FOOL AND OTHERS yeah good to see your not falling for the bait unlike aome.of our MGTOW brothers even NICK Fuentes is pa8d controlled oppo and dont know much about David Icke just what I heard down the rumor pipeline however all of the above you mentioned I would not be surprised it does not add up so yeah thats what I heard about ICKE however as they say watch their Actions and how they conduct themselves then again If GOD proves me wrong Id be the First to admit it however the GOAL stands GET YOUR MONEY RIGHT AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF WESTERN SHITHOLES \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I was half aspleep...I could exactly remember her name when I wrote it.

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