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Trump Knows About The Aliens

Published on 07 Feb 2025 / In Comedy

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KEEPER 1 month ago  

this narrative makes me laugh, because only a decade ago the claim was all about the aliens experimenting on humans through the whole trans nonsense lol, no joke they were talking about this nonsense during interviews during Obama's administration.

now personally i think it's all fake news brought to us by the main stream news who always comes up with the most nonsensical information and people just eat it up, like hell Alex Jones said they would fake an alien invasion decades ago, and yet what did we see these past few months? fucking drones, and i'm sure the government has some special crafts that have been hidden from the public too, but they aren't alien from outer space, no it's probably all our tech that has been worked on in secret for many decades.

look i follow the conspiracy stuff because sometimes they will bring up legit things, but most of the time it's just silly videos i use to fall asleep to.

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

I don't believe anything the lamestream media says, and I don't trust the mainstream alternative that has just "surfaced" in the last few years. They look like controlled opposition to me, and Alex sold out (not that I was big fan of him earlier).

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@GenerationLESS: for the longest time people thought he was a crazy man saying anything, but he's been right a lot more than he's been wrong in all of his years, now some folks on this site have their opinions on him being an old CIA asset which might explain some things, but he could have also just been just really fucking good at his job early on, back in the day when he did the whole bohemian grove stuff where he snuck into that property and recorded their Satanic rituals, that shit was crazy, he often mentioned that the Elites would parade their future plans in the form of media, like movies or tv shows and he was right about that too, there was an episode of the dead zone tv series that predicted or was put in on purposed that was about Covid, and they used all the same words and ways to control the virus, i loved that show, it only lasted 7 seasons or something like that, but it was a fun show, the end season was a bit meh, but that's just how shows worked a lot of the time.

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

@KEEPER: The B. Grove video was excellent. But its tough to see him go from calling Musk out, to doing a180 and annointing him. I don't trust Elon anymore than Zuckerberg (who jusy did a 180 himself), or Bezos... Going with my gut, and what they've said and done in the past.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@GenerationLESS: well the way i look at it is like this, even Alex Jones was a libtard in the beginning but then decided to redeem himself and talk about the truth, so maybe these stories of him being in the CIA could be true but then got himself kicked out because he was telling the world of their plans, i'm not sure about Elon fully just yet, i know he's Autistic lol, and people with Autistic tendency's tend to act off, but many Autistic people are pretty damn brilliant and more often than not are high learners in some situations, i have a nephew like this, now he sucks in interactions with real people, but damn does that kid know his stuff when it comes to a lot of topics, so he's very high functioning Autistic, he's just not great in social situations, and it looks like Elon is somewhat the same lol. i won't purchase his Tesla tech because the battery tech he uses is total trash and would rather they run off of something else less prone to catch on fire for no reason. but his space tech and his internet tech is damn impressive, now i don't think he is anywhere near as impressive as the original Nicola Tesla when it comes to ground breaking tech, i mean that guy was attempting on making his own UFO back in his day using frequency and his Tesla coil to provide the power to the bell, but his issue was he was not a capitalist and required funding form sponsors, if he was a capitalist just a little, he might have been able to continue his research without any issues because he could fund his own research without needing anyone to sponsor his work.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Where do you think we hot that secret tech? Remember Captain America: The First Avenger? At the beginning, we had NAZIs invading what was it Ocelsnd or Denmark for the Tesseract? Tjat dhit happrned as depicted in Infiana Jones. Our Departmebt of State paid archaeologists to ne spies snd to twart the NAZI digs just as Indie shown.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: Nicola Tesla claimed he got inspired by his dreams, no alien influence was needed.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: You know the aliens are psychic... so dreams can be listed as psychic influences. Just saying. The Gods talk to us in our dreams too if you learn to listen...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: fuck... touchscreens man...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: You should read the original Stephen King book-- one episode reflects it. My dad told me about it and a 1970s movie based on that book. I saw part of it.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@GenerationLESS: Your gut might be right... Bezos' Amazon was built upon CIA scret servers on each American citizens yhat Obama's Congress made illegal... so CIA sold it to Bezos. And how did Amazon survive the dotcom bubble? CIA maybe? USAID grants in their past?

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Zuckerborg was paid by the NSA or CIA to take credit... though I had not ruled our Freemasons. Google was an NSA pet project and they paid pansies to take credit for its creation. As for Musk... I will give him some crefit. They killed his son turning him into her... that boy is now dead with The Gods only know what crap is going through his son's head though I suspect demons personally.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: Teslas catch fire in salt water, but their cyber truck is nearly indestructable...

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: i was talking about Nicola Tesla, not Elon's salt water cyber truck, allegedly they changed the battery tech to sodium ion, it's still flammable though lol. wait i thought you believed in god not aliens?

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: They may be the same. We can not definitively define what Anonauki is at the moment. It does mean "Those From Heaven Above." Plus, I am not entirely sure time travel is not involved. Some believe the Anonauki are Aliens, some Angels. I believe it maybe both. I believe the moon was a station where the Fallen Angels (perhaps Anonauki) descended from after getting horny watching early human women, I liken then to hairy Persian women or more ape-like humans... they must have been really horny. I do strongly believe those Fallen traded "forbidden knowledge" I suspect "astrology" to the women for access to their pussies, which later birth ugly giants.. I also believe thoses pusses never forgot-- that's why they always tell you to go deeper (The DNA did not forget) and women obsessively believe in astrology, though I think either the early women or the Fallen exaggerated its meaning... into the Astrological stellar witchcraft it is considered today... it is important in the Divine plan because "As above, so below."

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

I do know that at Christ's return, the Beast and AntiChrist will gather all the nations to stop an alien invasion, but all those who show up will go to Hell for standing against Christ The Lion at His return. It's in Revelations, and I think even Alex Jones mentioned Deep State's white papers confirming it today. But, as I said that part is still at least twenty years away. I also know AJ reported on sn fake alien invasion to likely steal an election again, white papets on that. I think the Jersy drones were a part of that failed contingency plan.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

They talking ahot about Mars, ie Marduk the Empire of Marduk. Whatever... all the real shit's on the moon. It has been leaked one species of aliens is "mute" but communicates thtough childen. There has been secondary evidence to support at least one child's claim.

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sbseed 1 month ago

'isreal' space security program????
i smell a big fat stinky rotting RAT!!!
or more accurately a entire nest of them...

this is hilarious though.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Well, Ancient Babylon was a space port: I mean we have the ziggarauts and the Baghdad batteries from Antiquity. It's more reeal than not. The NAZI scirntists and enhineers especially the rocket engineers said "They had help" with their rockets. Plus, we have Allied accoubts of fighting UFOs and aliens, but not the Foo Fighters. Those were NAZIs gleeing yo South America and likely Antartica.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

But, I would not ttidt the mrfiabor the government right now...AJ was right.

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

All Presidents know. DDE made a deal with the greys to allow them a certain amount of abductions, that they reneged and gave him the finger when he called them out on it. This world is not how its portrayed to be.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

i used to believe in this stuff when i was younger, but now i just view it as a control story to keep people's minds off of the more important stuff, and i really wanted to believe in these stories, one of my favorite stories was about the Nordics and how they pretty much infiltrated earth and they manipulated Hitler to get him into the whole eugenics stuff and got him to believe something was in the arctic, but now i just view this stuff as stories crafted to be somewhat believable, but pure fiction, we have yet to see any real tangible proof of anything, it's always stories of things and rumors of stuff, but nothing real at the end of the day, i would like to bring up that picture on Fox Mulders wall "i want to believe" but i just haven't seen shit.

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

@KEEPER: Yes, have to everything with a grain of salt...and do a LOT of book reading to sift through the B.S. But there is some good credible stuff out there. How I've come across those books is to read the books referenced to by other books. Slow process, but glad I took the time.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@GenerationLESS: well you do have some years on me, at least from what i can tell lol, i was born in 86, so what do i know right? but i have also read a lot and well a lot of stuff just makes me think it was all manipulation. as i keep saying i really want to believe but i just haven't seen anything and the narrative changes with each administration, so it's just hard to take anything seriously anymore. there were some weird stuff related to the Nordics from what i remember, there was a story of a couple of a black guy and a white women, i thin, i think the name betty and Barny hill comes to mind, sorry going off of memory here, but their story was crazy to listen to, than it lead to some government stuff and some of these folks showed up in photos and were advisors of POTUS of the past, but idk man, these could easily be stories created by our own government to make people believe in anything. i kind of miss the old days when people like Art Bell would talk about these conspiracy theory's on his radio show, Clyde Lewis also did shows like this as well and i liked listening to his shows, but idk man, these shows don't really exist anymore, kids these days don't really get into it as much, it's mostly video footage of stuff and that stuff can easily be faked these days more than ever.

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

@KEEPER: Born in 1964. The narrative changes with each administration, the agenda still marches forward in the same direction. Left wing, Right wing, 2 wings of the same bird and the flight plan nevre changes. The David Icke videos call out Biden and Trump equally. Lot of stuff that the main narrative won't touch, and gets really deep on his subscribed channel. Has the receipts to back it up too.

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

@KEEPER: Oh, and in the 1992 election, Papa Bush and Billery Clinton BOTH SAID that NAFTA was a good idea. That's what tipped me off. "What!? You two are agreeing!? We're fucked and this is as good as passed already."

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@GenerationLESS: question for you, since you have been around for many years beyond me, what proof of the UFO stuff have you seen that has convinced you on this stuff? as i said i only know what i know, but i will leave out the possibility there are things i know nothing about given my age, even though i have read about or even listened to a lot of these stories through out the years, i mean hell i even researched old stories before your birth just because i was interested in the topic, but i didn't live in that era, so i guess this doesn't mean a whole lot as it was just text on a screen or PDF file, i used to go to the library and use those i forget what they are called, but they boost old news papers images and you had to use these things to view the old stories, it was kind of fun, but very old fashioned lol. they don't use these machines anymore, these days it's all digitally archived, and you don't know if they are manipulated or not, because anyone can give you a document on anything and you have no clue if it's true or not, we live in a day and age where anything and everything could easily be faked, i kind of hate it to a degree.

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

@KEEPER: Good books would be; Selected by Extraterrestrials Vol 1 & 2. Investigate the air attack in Los Angeles Feb. 25, 1942 when our air defence and every ship in Long Beach Harbor spent every anti-aircraft shell they had to end up shooting down nothing. Website to view and read about Billy Meier is https://theyflyblog.com/

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

True, but the grays took more than what was agreed upon... Check out the 411 series of Missing Americans and Canadians...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: hmmm... you talking about Coast to Coast? It used to be on 1000 AM. I'd listen to it years ago... but I work other posts and airport info systems blocked the frequencies. I wonder if I should try it again... it was at night like midnight for four hours and the fourth hour was the first repeated. It might be on the internet radios too. Midnight CST.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: microfiche for the old newpapers...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: There was one story out of England after the WW2 where two American sentries responded to a apparent "crash lsnding," turned out it was an UGO with two grays. All these movies with coded numbers is based on it. One of the Americans had this code repeating in his head fue to the contact. I think the movie Knowing with Nicholas Cage is one such movie. Tje other American's M-16 was disintegrated. The guard lieutenant sent out the whole squadron to search for it. The two men were frozen or paralyzed in place a couple of hours. LT Postlwaite was signed on it mentioning ghey could not find the M-16, the one disintegrated. There's another one zbput a kid who said a triangular space craft picked him up and took him to a Space Federation moonbase in that biggest crater on the moon. I think if you see it at the right angle on the right night, you can see the moonbase reflecting in it. The kid now adult said a species of tall sliens (I kind of thing it was like the Cloners in Star Wars) used the kids' undeveloped or matured minds to talk to us what was said telepathically. You know what? That kid's parents' yard had a triangular shape that did not grow. When investigated, it had isotopes only found in space in the barren soil outlines. For a "far fetched story," he had secondary proof supporting his statements.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

I served with a LT Postlewait who believed in aliens undoubtedly. I think he was the grandson of the LT there in the UK.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: yeah coast to coast, anyway the whole blocked the frequencies, i believe that was just made up content to make people believe that was happening. now i never listened to his show live, i was just a kid i didn't know any of this shit back then, i listened to his archived shows later down the line, digitally and i got through them all i think, maybe some might not have been archived, i still enjoyed the show, it was great entertainment for sure, then i would listen to Clyde Lewis, and Clyde kind of did both paranormal astrological stuff and political stuff, and man the crazy predictions he's made from 25 years were crazy how accurate they often were like Alex Jones, but from a diffrent point of view. damn i got to say how crazy this little tiny video is getting attention from you guys, it seems like you guys really have a hunger for this stuff, even more so than just the political stuff.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

blocked the frequencies, i feel like that was to boost ratings of the show, because ya know they had ads to sell people.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: Well, there is a lot of misinfotmation, and I remember Killary promising to release tje Area 51 alien files if elected or some UFO declassification. One thing I do know for sure is thst CIA (or perhaps NSA) dressed up as US AirForce operatives while investigating UFOs...

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: Read the book “Rachel’s Eyes”

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: hmn, well i don't trust these damn 3 letter organization's in government.

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