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Trump on Joe Rogan - Live coverage

Published on 26 Oct 2024 / In People & Blogs

Let's get to it.

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WMHarrison94 15 minutes ago

Damn, Joker-- I wanted to say "Take Trump's dick out of your mouth," but damn: I guess you never listened to Trump before outside of the rally's and shit. Welcome to the club of Freethinkers bro!

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Toki 2 hours ago

You should wear this to promote another man's brand even more -

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Toki 2 hours ago

I figure Joker would want democrats for more welfare considering he's unemployed gaming the system. So is Trump as far as I'm concerned. Does he change tires at a garage shop? Deliver package orders by package car or pallets of goods by semi-truck? Does he know to change the parts of a toilet tank himself and have the tools to do so? No he has prostitutes spending other men's money instead of a toolbox. Other men go to work to create the wealth Trump consumes. Same with many other people in the world but certainly all politicians are not only useless. They are what I what I would call luxury squatters. If they were your tenet in an apartment complex they would game the system to not pay the rent. Forcing other people to pay for their lifestyle at real jobs producing real value.
The worst part is this guy is the best choice you have a corrupt leader. Why this corrupt leader position is allowed to exist throughout history still blows my mind. Haven't learned anything from history I guess. My idea of America the land of the free means zero politicians and everyone chips in some amount of labor to work and create the wealthy empire. Until they earn a retirement by saving money instead of spending it on nonsense like smartphones like women do.
I just want Trump to start an American non-woke media company with a Sat Night Live type comedy that is the opposite of woke America. He could be part of the cast. He could easily start this company and afford correct? But no. He wants to tax you to rent hookers and porn stars who will then MeToo him so they also get your taxes. At least 50% of America is truly unemployed and not working. That's where your issues lay.
I also don't cuck myself voting for anyone. Why would trust anyone who is truly a stranger? You're all hyper-paranoid about theft and home invasions. But you have no idea you are being robbed daily by criminals who wear fancy clothes that don't even look good on men or women for that matter. At least the crooked rulers of the past had some style hundreds of years ago and preceeding those times. Now the rulers wear fancy pants and fake shoulder girth to compensate for their lazy unemployed body types. When your mid-section is rounder than your shoulders you know have a lazy bastard/hoe. Then fake hair that's a lie as well. Bro's hair fell out because he's constantly losing his mana to whores.

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WMHarrison94 4 hours ago

All that good shit? LOL!

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