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Trump’s Assassin Is Omar Mateen 2.0


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Published on 16 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Ihateniggers 20 days ago


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BIGLOAD 2 months ago

Are you running a food truck now ?

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Trump is Jesus +Hitler + kennedy. Well, I guess the shooter won't be having groupies and female fans, even ER developed some following after going ER. Strike 3 you are out the shooter had incel and ogre-cel physionomy.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

The jews were arabic until whites invaded.. same with the italians greeks etc.. there are 5 races.. black, w2hite, asian, arabic and hindu indian. The rest are mixed up.. The normans from normandy were vikings from norway and denmark.. conquered sicily and southern italy in 1060ish while the germans took northern italy..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

then the uh romans moved to constantinople greece which is now istanbul turkey..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

The white people interbred with the various arabic tribes.. spanish. italiano. greeks etc.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

The vikings taught the spaniards seamanship.. ship building etc..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

The norman vikings built all of the castles.. probly created religion etc..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

The egyptians were black.. the arabs invaded.. they invade steal and enslave.. just like today their ancestors running drugs and slaves from south America.. stealing American industry using paper debt trickery.. .

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

White people industrialized the world.. Just like I would say to you about white people beingfrom the mediterranean , , why are there not any pure white people there?????? well, why arent there the highest level of production and uindustry.,?? bbecause all they can do is steal it from other peeople while hiding behind a veil..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

I mean we know king james from scotland wrote the bible..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

It's all right there but the afrabs even lie to their own.. thats how they survive. i guess.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

lol. time for mass deportations

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@jim bennett: if white Americans just put their women in the home, were like okay no more puritanism or sexual false consciousness (one day I will Dan Blizerian with money and white hoes), time for Hebrew patriarchy or Greco-Roman patriarchy, then you don't have to worry about nigs and spics taking your women. The biggest issue is that for most average guys, they will not be able to whore max or wife max by bumping into a single woman or dating apps with high male ratios. Many average Americans will be deported out of the gene pool, will not be able to find or domesticate white American toilets or cum dumpsters.

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Alex568 2 months ago

@jim bennett: The problem with the Mediterranean countries today is that over the centuries they allowed too many inferior people from the Middle East and north Africa to migrate to countries like Greece, Italy and Spain; as a result their populations became less intelligent and less industrious. If the original Greeks or Romans were still around today, their countries would be super powers.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: the socalled indigenous south of the border are not the spics.. it's the other guys you mention..

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Alex568 2 months ago

Miles W. Mathis is the only other person that has pointed out that this 'attack' was a fraud....

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The Romans viewed the Greeks, Carthage, and Jews as equals. "White" american people come from the Germanic tribes and Celtics. The were seen by the Romans as barbarians: tall, austere, courageous people, but not so organized, honorable and intelligent as the Romans. The Romans had thousands of slaves from Greece, Hispania, Gauls, Germania, Syria, Judea, and Carthage, that's something that will lead to a nice blend of people while still remaining "white", we don't want mutt Brazil with high crime rates and slums.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

but he's still a bener.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

They lie to us on television that the blondes in greece are related to norwegians so the norwegians come from there. .nope. The Normans invaded and their children were uh, wanted by the powermongers of the day..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

The bad thing about whites interbreeding with arabs is that they get smart enough to do damage to their fellow nations.. and arrogant is an arab thing.. so white intelligence mixed with anumalistic arrogance.. and that is what is taking over the world.. even seeping into America through its southern border

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

@jim bennett: Thats why thwere is not pure white people there.. around the mediterranean because the first born of the Normans there were with arabic women..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

The good things created in America by the white people have been stolen by the mediterranean arabs.. and now they are wanting the entire country..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 2 months ago

For America to continue upward to lead by example we need to get all these foreigners out of our lamd..

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@jim bennett: the solution is Hebrew patriarchy or greco-roman patriarchy.

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@jim bennett: whites germanic come from Gomer. Whites like Iberians, Italians, Greeks come from Javan. Russians from Gog as in Magog. In polls like where do you want to travel, study abroad or learn language, most American women want Spain or Italy. If you poll them who are the best looking, most say Italy or Spain. UK and Ireland are last place. Who the fuck wants to learn languages like Norwegian or Danish, their women used to be like the Asians easy for whore maxing or wife maxing.

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Alex568 2 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: The UK is a joke of a country, I've lived here for a very long time and the majority of English people I've met are absolute trash; they are stupid, cowardly, lazy, obnoxious and have ugly recessed faces; many of them literally resemble pigs in appearance...

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@Alex568: there is plenty of jew hate, but not enough Anglo hate. Anglos bring nigs and curries to feel superior but then be able to appear christ like when they rape or date their women, and take their soccer teams and royal house. Then bash Meds who are more handsome and gregarious, actually tan better, have the better historical legacy and culture. The Anglobitch thesis blog is right. They destroyed Rome, almost destroyed world and patriarchy (torah jews) with world War 2, we can thank crazy English and French ideas/values for feminism.

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@BasedCellphonePornDirector: they also got rid of Oscar Wilde because who was based, black pilled and Anglo women so unpleasant and frigid that he became gay for that reason. He offended their puritanical life denying philosophies.

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Alex568 2 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: The English are a fucking joke, I've heard them several times make sarcastic remarks about other European nations. They are seething with envy and jealousy. And most of them are faggots and cucks; they have allowed millions of negroes and indians/pakistanis to come to the UK, and these third worlders gang rape their women and children. In the north of England there were gangs of pakistanis that would approach underage English girls, invite to a 'party', then give them alcohol and drugs and took turns fucking them. This went on for years, and the English faggots didn't do anything to stop it....

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Alex568 2 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: Chechar wrote a good article on dangers of the Anglo-Saxons: https://westsdarkesthour.com/2....012/03/10/fuck-anglo

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@Alex568: looks like a high iq blog. Will check it out.

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@Alex568: English people are slimey. Lots of inbreeding and alcohol fetal syndrome going on with them.

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@Alex568: they would prefer calling them rapists instead of accepting the fact that their women are whores and bad boy oriented to a degree that is pathological, dysgenic, and unique to Anglo people. I have been in bed with women from Italy, Sweden, Ukraine, better energy then Americanized women there is something not quite right with Anglo women.

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@Alex568: anglobitchthesis blog is not a parody, it's one I discovered that's really based and high iq.

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Alex568 2 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: I will check it out, thanks. I've interacted with women from Eastern Europe and Asia, and in general they were a lot more feminine and more pleasant to be around.

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@jim bennett: you need the androcentric mindset. Puritans won't allow this. It would work in ancient Egypt or Greece. Have these illegal with incel physionomy the men work build new cities lots of unused land at gunpoint or get out, have some Ivan drago Chad's breed with their daughters and wives... their race could be upgraded in 2 generations 40 years. That's nothing.

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@BasedCellphonePornDirector: master morality mindset.

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@BasedCellphonePornDirector: look at nickey Haley's daughter. She's cute, good genetic recombination pill. However she got blacked, just gonna create incels, incel-maker. Anyway, she probably got the nefarious Anglo and curry genes canceled out or tempered out.

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Alex568 2 months ago

@BasedCellphonePornDirector: The Gulf Arabs have the right idea, they use slave labour from South Asia to build their cities and then deport them once they are finished. Even while they work in places like Dubai, they are made to stay in buildings out in the desert; away from the rich who live in the cities.

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@Alex568: yeah fuck them

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@jim bennett: you gotta say the jew prayer. Thank God I was not born a gentile, a woman, or slave.

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@Alex568: Fuck UK aka at this point UGAY can't spell KUCK without UK. FUCK backstabbing good for nothing Curry trash, Monkey trash and white trash, evil jews and evil corrupt motherfuckers running the globohomo satanic pedophile agenda they need all to be burned by GOD and Heavens Holy Flames

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Alex568 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: The english are fucking scum, most of them are liars, hypocrites and the biggest supporters of political correctness, feminism and lgbtq....

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