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Trump Shooter's Mother Sentenced, Goodbye Forever

Published on 29 Jul 2024 / In News & Politics

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KEEPER 7 months ago  

i get the feeling that all this information is all coming out a little too clean, i mean everything that's talked about is too rehearsed sounding like they already had these people and their backstories prepared before the attempted shooting?

maybe i'm just crazy thinking this, because i do know and understand there is a shit load of people investigating this right now so it would make sense that so much information would come from it, but this channel especially really puts this information into a very well compiled list of evidence, it just feels like some information comes too easily or seems orchestrated somehow.

clearly i don't know everything, which is why i upload these videos, even when there is some contradicting information in some of them, because i'm still trying to pick up the pieces of evidence, some of it lines up, and some of it i'm not sure.

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I am always a bit pissy about news articles leading with the word "could". Just more of the endless news cycles based upon hearsay, speculation, innuendo, rumor mongering, half baked bullshit etc. No wonder so many Americans are so fucking crazy - they are getting themselves in in knots - being led around by the main sleaze media, just constantly keeping them on the go - like chickens in a pen - throw them a bread scrap to the west, and they all run up to that end of the pen, and then throw them a bread scrap to the east, and they all run up that end of the pen.... and it just goes on endlessly.

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KEEPER 7 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: that's actually not a bad analogy lol, it reminds me of the crab in the warm water that gradually gets hotter and hotter, but it represents things getting worse and worse, but because it's slow and steady it feels like it's leading to our end, and it very well might lead to that if you follow along this stuff, this stuff in the news makes you crazy, it's why sometimes i can't pay attention to it as much, like if it's a big story i will pay attention, but if it's some meaningless bickering i don't care as much, but it's all leading to that boiling point to when we are all boiling in the pot and it's the end, like Tim Pool suggests civil war, in my eyes we have been in a civil war for over the last decade straight, but it was the sprinkles of civil war and not a full blown war, that will likely happen if things keep going where they are headed, but who knows how it will pan out in the end. it's often too complicated for me to conceptualize fully so i just have to keep listening and watching, or i just get away from the news for a while and play some video games because it's simply too much to weigh on your mind all the time.

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@KEEPER: You notice that all of them, NEVER tell you, what YOU can do about anything.... Just endless dramas.

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@KEEPER: Alex Jones is always harping on about the people bringing destruction to the end of the world and the only thing that fat cunt ever says is, "Buy our Mega Dose Blood Cleanser" - Who to write too, what pocesses and proceedures, what fighting funds to donate too..... Nothing - just endless fucking bullshit.

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sauger1001 7 months ago

@KEEPER: Or Frog(?).

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KEEPER 7 months ago

@sauger1001: i have no clue why you wrote this?

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sauger1001 7 months ago

@KEEPER: Sorry, but I was taught the analogy of the "frog" in the pot of water, but I guess a crab works just as well. Lol!

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KEEPER 7 months ago

@sauger1001: oh my bad, lol yeah i was taught it was either a lobster or a crab, but frogs also work, because if you try to boil a frog they will just jump out, but if you slowly heat it up they will become comfortable to the point they will fall asleep and then the boiling will happen, anyway we are reaching the boiling point is what i was trying to say.

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sbseed 7 months ago

why?!... stupid stupid illogical shit...

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sauger1001 7 months ago

9:55. Head shots aren't "happenstance" shots. That was a hit job. Who was aiming to kill the fireman, and Why, as he was protecting his family? Sounds like a SECOND or even THIRD shooter, imo.

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