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Trump's Ventilators Killed More Than "Covid"

Published on 06 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

Northwestern University study shows BACTERIAL INFECTION, NOT CYTOKINE STORM, killed most people — and VENTILATORS were major cause. Financially incentivized malpractice — or murder.

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Longshanks 2 years ago

They got everyone to approve of the fraud.

For example, if you look at each covid test in the fine print it says how many cycles they ran the test. When the cycles are 0 or low the result is "negative" - at high cycles its "positive" for anything.

So when they decided who would be sick or not, its was up to the victim to believe their fate or not. Of course this has some rather insane occult implications (like how the Jews believe they are gods of the goyim, as Amr would say). And I think Amr was right.

If you believed the lie, you succumbed to the will of your Lord at that time. A degenerate ignorant college edumacated idiot was your god, and they decreed your demise. For profits.

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Jimmyclev 2 years ago

Actually doctors in democrat states that refused to recognize it was damaging lungs. Trump did what he had to backed into a corner by dumb ass democrats. Thats what you get for believing democrat science.

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