Truth About Anti-Gravity Tech FT. Jordan Sather
Published on 27 Feb 2021 / In
Science & Technology
The establish has been withholding this technology from us for dacades.
Also as a special thanks to @parniah for boosting this video.
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Who made the video with that flying drone thing? where can i find the research work for that?
I'm sorry man, but the real truth about these gravity generators, reactionless drives and other notions of perpetual motion machines made of materials that exist here on Earth is that they don't work and they never will, no matter how advanced technology becomes. Yes, indeed, rockets STILL function by the same 'old fashioned' principle of shooting something out the back end, and the reason for that is far older than that, it goes back to Newton's 3rd law of motion, every action is accompanied by equal and opposite reaction, and the law itself is still in effect and it always will be, and in fact it was in effect for billions of years before Newton was born so it's far older than hundreds of years too. Science may march on but the laws of physics will never be repealed, only revealed in greater detail, and mistakes about what were believed to be the laws of physics will be revealed. That's the only reason science ever changes, because mistakes were made and they were fixed. But at some point, we're going to run out of mistakes to fix. And SOME things are definitely not fixable already, because they are already correct. And sorry to say, but conservation of momentum is one of those things. And Newton's 3rd law, THAT principle by which all rockets operate is fundamentally linked to conservation of momentum, and though some things in physics are unknowns, THAT ONE will NOT be changing, ever. If you want to break the 2nd law of thermodynamics, you have my best wishes, best of luck to you, maybe someone will do it some day, though probably not.... but if you want to break conservation of MOMENTUM, I'm sorry, but you're on a fool's errand. There are no ways by which that might be possible, it definitely goes against everything that has ever been observed, there are no physical processes that break it. It would even be possible to have a perpetual motion machine, if cosmic strings are real, if you found one of the infinitely long variety, that would be a naturally occuring one (and something you absolutely could not manufacture yourself, cosmic strings if they exist are relics of the big bang) because it would be playing a trick on the universe with the use of an infinite set, but in no closed system can you deconserve momentum. Conservation of momentum is absolute and eternal and there shall never be any updates to it, I would bet the soul of my cat on that in order to win a pretzel. If it was a good pretzel.
As for the reason computers have advanced exponentially, that is because they are not nor have they ever been, anywhere near the theoretical limit of what is possible. And you can do much better than they have already, for instance, DNA stores information far more efficiently than any hard drive, you can buy a maybe 1 kilogram hard drive with like 3 terabytes of capacity or so, but 1 kilogram of DNA would store 2.2 times 10 to the 23rd power bytes, that's 220 billion terabytes, billions of times better than the best hard drive by weight. So the electronics revolution has a ways to go before it gets near the fundamental limit on what is possible set by the material properties of substances. And THAT is why you have seen improvements by factors of millions in electronic devices..... when it comes to information capacity. But not energy capacity. Devices that convert energy, mechanical OR electrical, like rockets, or heat engines, or batteries, or motors, they are mature technologies with little room for improvement largely because they NEVER had much room for improvement, for instance the first electric motor made by Michael Faraday was about 40% efficient, and they got that up to 90% efficiency by the end of the 19th century. But you can't do better than 90% but by a few percent! "Progress" can't turn that 90% into 9000%. Similarly, the reason rockets don't get much better is because they CAN'T get much better. You throw a certain mass out the back end of your rocket at a certain speed, and that WILL provide you the same amount of kick whether you do it in the 19th, 20th or 21st century. Or batteries, that doesn't advance exponentially either. See there's this thing called electromotive potential, or ionization potential, and lithium metal is the substance that is the absolute most extreme on the positive end, while fluorine is the most extreme on the negative end, meaning you can't do any better than that by weight than if you had a battery based on lithium, because there are only so many things to be found on the periodic table to choose from and lithium is THE BEST ONE to make into a battery. As progress marches on, you can't just invent a new SUBSTANCE to replace the lithium in lithium batteries and thereby design a new battery that stores more energy per unit weight. There are things that are at or near their theoretical limits, and as a result, you will not be seeing any chemical batteries that store energy per unit mass on the level of nuclear weapons for example. Not now, not ever. Similarly, reactionless drives, they will never work, because the 3rd law of motion is still in effect, and I'm sorry, but not everything is a red pill, not everything is a conspiracy, or some great secret that some extreme minority of people knows the truth about. There isn't some big conspiracy among scientists to hide the truth about this, they're mostly just tired of idiots that think these things could work, many of which have been debunked for hundreds of years. The history of perpetual motion machines is a history of fraudsters that goes back hundreds of years with no exceptions. You're also never going to see levitating vehicles like the cars in back to the future 2, because it doesn't matter what progress happens, the laws of physics prevent it. The best you could possibly do is make electrically conductive roads, lining your roads with copper or perhaps superconductors, and then vehicles could use induction to float a few inches over them, but that's hardly like the vehicles of back to the future 2 that could float up into the sky and needed no roads. Sometimes things are exactly what they appear to be, and if you take the FALSE red pill and think you've got some great secret no one else knows but it's just a tin foil hat theory, that's not a real red pill, that's cultlike thinking, that's a blue pill that you think is red. Part of being truly redpilled requires you to be able to tell the difference. To believe the things that are true, and not the things that are not. And it's tough. The rigor that goes into being sure you're redpilled and not just exhibiting cult thinking is not easy, because that's the thing that unifies redpilled people with cultists, they both think they have a pipeline to some great truth or secret that almost no one else knows, it's just one of them is wrong. This is in the philosophical area known as epistemology, the study what you truly need to do to truly know something. And no it's not a conspiracy of the oil companies either for the record, for instance exxon mobil may have tried to mislead the public about global warming (and I don't understand why, it's not like anyone would have even curtailed their gasoline use as a result, what are they going to do, stop driving to work or stop driving to the grocery store because of global warming, it seems silly of them to have wasted money on that misinformation campaign), but one thing they didn't do is invent the blasted laws of physics in order to keep their oil business going, they certainly didn't make Newton's 3rd law of motion. And reactionless drives violate conservation of momentum and both the first and second laws of thermodynamics, it just ain't real, no conspiracy is needed to shove it under the rug, because it doesn't work, not everything is a conspiracy, least of all a conspiracy to trick you into believing in high school level physics. The flat Earthers are wrong too for example. But I think their whole movement exists to troll people anyway, I think maybe 10% of them ACTUALLY believe what they're saying.
As for "gravity generators", gravity in reality is generated by one and only one thing. Mass. That's it. It's not an electromagnetic phenomenon. You can't increase or decrease gravity by turning on a device that emits gravitons like frothy sci-fi like Star Trek may lead you to believe. And electromagnetic phenomena like "lifters", that isn't gravitational either, that is just making ions out of the air, and propelling some of them downward with an electric field, which gives it a weak lift. And a very inefficient one too, considering the energy needed to provide that lift. Gravity and electromagnetics are completely different forces, some would say gravity isn't even a force at all but a curvature of spacetime, and you can't make an electrical device that generates gravity fields, except for it having mass just like anything else by sitting there doing nothing, which would generate the same gravity be whether it was a device or a dumb piece of rock with the same mass. You could potentially make a device that generates gravitational WAVES, but only if its operating principle was accelerating around an incredibly massive object. That is also a far cry from an electronic device, and it wouldn't be useful for propulsion, it would stretch and shrink distances by fractions of the width of an atom unless you were doing outrageous things like spinning around pairs of neutron stars right in front of you.
As for your video of the little mercury motor, I have seen these mercury motors before and know exactly what they are and how they work, and that's just magnetohydrodynamics in action. The mercury carries an electric current and then responds to a magnetic field in a curious way that most metals can't because they can't flow, and it makes the mercury flow around, that's the full extent of the meaning of that demonstration. It's not even a very good way of making a motor, because who wants their motor to be driven by a bunch of mercury sloshing around. But it certainly isn't some sort of gravity drive.
I truly hope you read this comment and it has been a true redpilled moment for you.
I used to be a believer of Searl Effect Generator concept. But not anymore.