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Tucker Carlson Demolishes Liberal Media in Australia Showdown Audience Goes Wild

Published on 30 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation


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This is fairly typical of the fucking retarded shitbags in the media in Australia.

They are stupid cunts who ought to be flogged with meter lengths of 3/4 " garden hose and taken out to sea shark fishing.


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sauger1001 1 day ago

I used to watch Gary Franchi, Next News Network (along with InfoWars, OAN, and others), almost exclusively through (((SueTube))). Perhaps many of them will make the move to MGTOW.TV in the near future. Until then, thank you.

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sauger1001 1 day ago

I get the impression the psycho b!tch asking the "gotcha'" questions was a blonde. She definitely sounded like her brain was lodged in her ass. JMO.

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Close.... Australian Journalists have their brains lodged up their editors arseholes..... just as a matter of course.

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sauger1001 1 day ago

Yeah, these idiots must've forgotten Tucker worked for CNN (aka, Communist News Network/Clinton News Network/Clown News Network), MSNBC (aka, MSNPC/PMSNBC [Rush]/MSDNC [Mark Levin]), and PBS back in the early 2000s to mid 2010s. He knows how the propaganda game is played. These clowns were in over their heads from the beginning. Most were probably still in elementary or middle school while Tucker was part of the liberal media propaganda machine. Sad.

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