Two Days In... The Agenda I Predicted Has Begun - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Published on 23 Jan 2025 / In
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Uhm, stem cells or fetal stem cells do do miraculous healing quickly... Just saying.
Lucifer? Time travelers reported Logan's Run like cities being ran by an AI LUCFR was controlling everything in the cities. The Luciferianism and code of the Beast 666 or 626 will be in the source code. I guess humanity hasn't suffered enough to find God El Elohim.... sad truth.
Oh, I see the shadows: I fought them in death. I know of them... The Gods sent me back to resist them.
The talk and focusing on AI is upsetting, yes. However, I am afraid we might need AI to protect us from AI, but I don't think The Gods had abandoned us...I mean in the MCU: Avengers Age of Ultron Jarvis AI protect us from Ultron, us being humanity. First off, they took AntMan out, the original one played by Michael Douglas, who invented Ultron from his brain scans and personality as a Pacificist. Second, yeah, if we don't, China and Russia will if tjey have not alteady fone so. I now wonder if Atlantis, whom I joked kicked the Jews out too, was taken over and destroyed by AI... is this what we call ghosts? Did AI become demonic or denonic ghost trying to override our "biological software" to control us. We are built upon a quadrant code, our DNA, versus our elevtronic binary code... So...
How is Dr. Death Bill Gates pedo extraordinaire still breathing?