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I only watched the first three seasons but they were well done. The character of Varus (spelling?) was lifted straight out of Herodotus' histories.
Same, however I at least saw the 4th season, but my bro was the one who hooked me up with access to this show.
Notice how the women were always screwing up the system, or some beta did it for them. Game of thrones was spot on till the new idiots mucked it up.
The last scene is gold! Plastic Fantastic!
lol yeah, i stole that off of an gamer poop video. manslayer is an epic with his stuff.
look up gamer poop on youtube, you will find all sorts of gold on that for many games lol. my personal favorites are anything in elder scrolls.
Antoian Kordiyal
United States
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I only watched the first three seasons but they were well done. The character of Varus (spelling?) was lifted straight out of Herodotus' histories.
Notice how the women were always screwing up the system, or some beta did it for them. Game of thrones was spot on till the new idiots mucked it up.
The last scene is gold! Plastic Fantastic!