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U.S. Presidents Refuse to Protect the U.S. from North Korea's Nukes (Gordon G. Chang)

Published on 04 Jul 2024 / In News & Politics
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WMHarrison94 2 days ago

Well, Trump was trying to I daresay "groom" North Korea to come back to the UN global commerce I could see some lax as he was negotiating. Biden however... Mr. PotatoHead likely does not even know Korea exists...

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Sant77 17 hours ago

People believe a lot on the power of the money and they think money rules the world, those are the same that don't call the Beijing regime communist, there is this belief that introducing liberal market principles in communist dictatorship would affect the regime and the CCP would need to surrender to the new capitalists, but the CCP did the NPE script from Lenin and reassured the political dominance of the party. Even being a successful businessmen, Trump seems to know the real power that comes from the guns, he didn't appease China like his predecessors.

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WMHarrison94 14 hours ago

@Sant77: yeah. Money is just credit: You can get more money: However, you can't get your soul, your anal virginity, you interspeciel virginity, and hell even your virginity even if you had Hymen reconstruction surgery back... never.

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