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Ugly Bug Ball - Burl Ives-one for the GALs!

Published on 30 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

Experiment 2. Just a bit of bun as I learn stuff!

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It's unfair to pick on people who got last prize in the genetic lottery - it's not their fault they turned out the way they are...

Character, Gratitude and all that.

I'd rather the company of a retarded / downie / handicapped, than a stunning cunt - any day.

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JMGTOW 2 months ago

kind of the reason why cosmetic surgery is a thing in Korea. and besides, 90% of women can look good by following the 1 golden rule: DON'T BE FAT!

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mrghoster 2 months ago

There is one women I particularly left out, she's American and has a genetic problem, she is slim and in her own way very attractive. watched an interview with her and she from a personality point of view would put most women of today to shame. but I don't know her name. this vid is just a bit of anonymous fun really for the song that I remembered whefrom when I was very small.

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@mrghoster: Lizzie Velásquez ?

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@mrghoster: I fancy her a bit too - I am too much feral boy and she is too much girly make cup cakes etc.. Nothing much in common - more or less at all.

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mrghoster 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: That's her.

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mrghoster 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I know exactly what you mean mate.

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@mrghoster: Most chicks WANT a decent rack of TITS, and well.... LOL - they look like two oranges on a broom stick, but she finally got a rack of tits, and went swimming in a bikini...... I was pleased for her.... 5:11 in this ....

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@mrghoster: BUT whole she is Umm Ahhh - oddly attractive - in a number of ways, the genetic selector in my head says, "No - she can't produce good, strong, healthy children". We are not going to fuck her...

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