UK lawmaker wants 6:00 PM curfew for men
Published on 18 Mar 2021 / In
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Why would ANY man continue going to work??? Shut it ALL DOWN!!! Trucks, trains blocking roads, food delivery, empty grocery stores, electrical grid shut down, no gas, or oil being refined. House on fire??? Too bad for you. No cops, no pilots, garbage, or sewers. Yeah DO IT!!! Make the law.
You are on fire mrghoster .
I’m getting sick of these feminist tyrants passing laws just for the soul sake of hurting us on purpose, Just because they know fully well it has destroyed many countless men whom most are innocent and those vindictive bitches just want us to suffer. Because after all once a mean girl will always be a mean girl, they will only get worse, worse and worse as literal ticking time-Thots waiting to explode into all out bitch.
NATURE will win in the end that is for certain? Be it a massive political fail for taking on NATURE or a n eternal waste land where Humans once were, Who gives a fuck anymore. I'm getting old and already looking to hopefully something beyond the Veil. i haven't FEARED death for decades now and it will be a release! lol! i'm asked "Well if it's that bad why don't you commit suicide"? well I like to cover all the plates and bet on all outcomes. by taking the view that in many religion's say's that suicide takes you straight to HELL, or to put it better right back HERE! lol!
I know for a fact I WILL die alone hopefully in MY bed, and I hope I'm not discovered for months in a hot summer so my mortal remains will be so fucked up no one could EVER live in my place after ME ever again. I want my very es-scent's to be so deeply ingrained in the fabric of my place that the landlord won't ever be able to rent it out again! lol!
Cop's are NOT MEN they have become political ZOMBIES and a bullet through the head like with movie Zombies could be the answer!