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UK, psychopaths at work, "we care about you" forced entry, false accusations and Threat of kidnapping

Published on 26 Mar 2021 / In Non-profits & Activism

A documentation of police psychopathy. She calles them vile basically to their faces and watch them squirm

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

just taze her........... females arguing with females..........the most insane waste of time.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

This just shows how weak they are, we shouldn't have to be saying that but we live in a world full of predators and sociopaths. IRL they wouldnt survive in the wild. i like the idea of letting nature select who lives

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GenerationLESS 4 years ago

This is why you need guns.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

NEVER GIVE UP YOUR ARMS, predators love defenceless people

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

Most people don't seem to care about the masks anymore.. except for following rules./. I don't wear a mask.. has anything happened?.. hell no..I am stuck watching things get worse and worse. for no reason imo.. but it was like that before covid anyway.. the covid thing is just to finish everything off imo... I just worked around 40 people daily indoors noone wearing masks hardly.. for two weeks.. nobody's sick.. why won't they deport the illegals? the north american indians never spoke spanish.. those immigrants are not americans..why are they here..the same reason covid is..

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

The jews have convinced an entire planet to lock itself up over a common cold. They are genius's to actually get the entire world complicit. This even trumps any religious maipulations and cohearsipons. This literally is then nest step in de-evolution. Vax editing genetics admitted on madernas own websited called "hacking our genetics" LET THE SHEEP TAKE IT!

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

i only wore mask once, when i had my MRI

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@AmanleyLoad: My friend's uncle got very sick after the second vax shot.. at 72 yoa.. After much learning of history I would say "the bankers" the catholics,, the mafia,, the jews,, the freemasons is all one thing.. to me their background is mediterranean.. perhaps roman in istanbul turkey.. ANYWAYS , SOUTH AMERICA is full of them. . the pope is from Aregentina the jesuit general from Venezuela.. OUR ONLY PROTECTION is borders.. DEPORTATIONS!! and then ownership of our own country.. not wallstreet style either.. Wallstreet is london bankers.. The AP associated Press is owned by reuters in londfon..

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

the Egyptian bloodlines, i goes beck all to the anunnaki. Reason they keep royal pure blood and 97% of Hollywood is related in some distance way. Its the reason the british royal family needed the spence gene (lady diana) and killed her cuz she had a heart of gold. i also suspect megan is assigned to occupy harry somehow. The moral of my point is they dont like us. they even hate u s for what our ancestors did. byzantinian rome gave in to the kazars and they now control all the world in many aspects passively or actively through conquest

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CatFoodMillionaire 4 years ago

Good thing police are not catching criminals and terrorists. This is time(and taxpayer money) much better spent.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

this is why i dont pay tax, i am not paying people i dont know to act like total fucking childist power hungry low iq fuckwits. I WILL NEVER PAY THEM. TO ENSAVE ME!

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

Total F king control over there. Friends are complaining. One man i listened to Walked through London the other day its dead. Stores gone.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

yep, lotsa shit have shut shop. main centers usually ok but last few weeks people started to ignore it, they extended lockdown till july here

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