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Ukrainian Nazi army crucifies and burns Russian Christians alive

Published on 05 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation


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bagoodman2 2 months ago

These people are just Evil ! - It's not over they will have to talk to God one Day and will have to answer for this .

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Well I have my doubts - for starters they lit the fire, and then the video ended..... It could have just been a propaganda video.... There are all sorts of head games going one everywhere. If they are going to "make an example" of this guy and burn him alive - why isn't it in the video.... why was it cut off?

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You know they could have dressed him in wetted full length woolen underwear,pull his pants over that, and only wrapped the pole with an oily cloth - up to his ankles - and as soon as the flames started to lick his legs (only a few seconds) - and then cut the video off in the editing - they could have doused his legs with a bucket of water.... and then added "Burning Russians Alive" to forment outrage and patrionism and new recruits.... Putin is a JEW Arse Licker, Zilensky is a fucking cretin who is a JEW and gets funded and armed by the UK and USA JEWS, and all the people in Ukraine are getting blasted to oblivion.... Whole Sale Depopulation = farm land, minerals and oil etc... for free, and a NEW homeland for the JEWS when they escape Israel.... So what is an easy and misleading propaganda piece?

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bagoodman2 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I'm not one of the hate the Jews for some reason I'm not smart enough to know what Jews they hate so much and why they hate them I don't hate any one ! But maybe you can tell me what Jews to hate and why - Thanks - It sure would clear things up for me .

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@bagoodman2: You have to do your own research and make your own mind up. It's not my job to tell you what to think. You need to examin the evidence and come to your own conclusions. Go through my own channel and everything that says "jews, germany, ww2, palestein, Max Igan, protocols of Zion, etc., etc., etc - things along those lines" as well as Brother Nathaniels Channel. Don't expect quick fixes or easy answers - there is a LOT of good, high quality and verifiable records. "Europa - The Final Battle - Parts 1 - 11 - 720p" is good https://www.mgtow.tv/v/nSAfRX - and "Mein Kampf" Ford Translation https://www.mgtow.tv/v/j6OKlw ---- Thankgoodness that you inquired, I could not have uploaded the 5.4 Gig Europa - until I was back on high speed internet... the 100K dial up speeds - forget it. There was an issue with the available files being in LOW resolution - which is only extremely bad, if SOME of the initial historical footage was also of a poor visual quality... so I got the 720p videos off the production site, and joined them end to end and made ONE video instead of 11 of them. It worked out well... There is Nick Fuentes, something.... There are plenty of good channels on Bitchute... If you don't think that the JEWs are the scum of the fucking earth - well who controls the US politics, military, media, contractors etc., and the media and the pharmacuitical industries, and who is responsible for rolling out these extermination and sterilisation "vaccines" globally, under the falsified pretence of a "pandemic" - I mean these cunts are in there, working on exterminating everyone else on earth.... Duh - if that is not a BIG fucking hint, I don't know what is.

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@bagoodman2: Draw up all the points in a general sense or specific items and put them into one of four columns.

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@bagoodman2: Column 1. Substantially true and verifiable.

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@bagoodman2: Column 2. Probably true, some misgivings, and hard to verify.

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Column 3. Probably not true, some truths, and hard to verify.

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@bagoodman2: Column 4. Substantially false and verifiable.

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@bagoodman2: The other thing is that having a BALANCED perspective - and not just a one sided reacting like crazy because that is the only thing you have ever been fed, is much better when trying to navigate your way through life - because one needs to discern who is feeding you shit and why - and why only the one sided, biased and patently dishonest stories, and who is telling you the truth by telling you the full truth and the whole story - of both sides. This is a good life skill.

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bagoodman2 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: A little off topic - Could I ask your age ?

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@bagoodman2: I think this conversation has gone about as far as it's going to go.

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