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ULEZ- Sadiqs Latest DISGRACE Cameras TARGET Mourners

Published on 08 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation

This is Digusting. )roof that Psychopath SADGIT Khan is NOT Human. If people MEAn NOTHING, what is going to happen (and it WILL) when it fails and they NEED Poeple to help and that WILL come eventually. I've already abandoned being governed so fuck the lot of them. i wonder of these CUNTs are making the HEARSE pay ULEZ? Big car, driving slow, must be poluting more in SADGIT's mentally disturbed psych mind? I wonder if this CUNT will have to pay the fine when someone put's a bullet through it's empty head? (with any luck) Yep! just keep poking that hornets nest with that big stick and you will get stung eventually government. My Behicles are already Euro 5 but can you trust them not to sneakily give you a ticket anyway. London IS already DEAD as a Financial center and it WILL taker decades to rebuild, without hopefully the oppressed people saying "FUCK YOU"!

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