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Unacknowledged - 2017 - Documentary

Published on 11 Feb 2021 / In Film & Animation

Conspiracy documentary about Unacknowledged Special Access Projects of the Military Industrial Complex

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 years ago

Yep all ready seen it good post

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KEEPER 4 years ago

this is actually an topic i truly love to talk about, it's probably due to my upbringing when it came to anything related to the paranormal or science fiction, specifically the kind of fiction that involves science. i'm no expert in these things, but i was the kind of person who loved the shows that involved the realistic understanding of the universe using science and technology instead of the kind of scifi that was leaning into the mystical stuff like starwars, i like starwars but it's not my favorite, i was more into star trek and stargate than i was into starwars.

but i was also into stuff like this, i lost count of how many shows that i watched or how much information i have read when it came down to this stuff, however i try not to be willfully ignorant when this information comes out, there have been many grifters within the UFO research field who have made shit up or they exaggerated what actually went on which unfortunately leaves ppl to abandon the topic as they often get viewed as an conspiracy theorists and all exploration ends in an dead stop.

but i love talking about the possibilities of exploring the universe in one way or another, we may not be able to do much with our current development of tech and understanding, but we are always trying to excel further into the future so long as we still have the freedoms to do so, which scares me when our global elites are constantly getting in the way of going into the future when they create roadblocks such as socialism and communisim and escalate racial divisions and diversity as these are absolute roadblocks when it comes to anything such as exploration and advancements in tech and creativity into the future for a civilization, if ppl truly wanted to advance into the future they would put aside their petty differences and unite together on these things instead of pretending it's what they want and instead cause more problems.

it's human nature to want to be the top dog, but if it's done right through competition and experimentation, this is when we thrive, but the more this other shit keeps going on, we will stagnate and continue to stagnate and delve deeper into obscurity.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

it's funny, i believe in the existence of aliens more than i believe in the existence of wizards warlocks and witches or ghosts angels or demons, even though i grew up within an Christian family.

the universe is simply much too large for other life forms to not exist.

however i'm not blind to how the elite use material like this to manipulate the masses to their will. the statement the man made about the aliens not being the aggressors but humans are the aggressors, if you think about information like this and correlate it with how the elite have been pussifying society through the generations on all fronts and also correlate it with how everyone is all PC and men's testosterone levels are much lower due to certain chemicals like estrogen within our water or food either making men gay or weaker, or other issues that cause more males than ever to be born with issues that make men sterile or lead to other deficiencies that are meant to make us less aggressive.

think of mass immigration from an point of view of an scientist experiment while adding on these issues, and think of the possible effect it could have on these people's offspring within an generation.

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Farmboy Customs
Farmboy Customs 4 years ago

Well look at the divisiveness of men vs women, black vs white, country vs country. The ego is activated thru fear which makes humans go into defence mode and make them agressive. This is why the entertainment we watch is action, violence sex etc. All ego all activated thru fear. Growth is activated thru conciosness and is the true self. Humans can only operate one mode at a time, which is why there is so much fear. Covid for example all day every day fear. To control the masses.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

you got it to work, sweetness my dude.
was Amr willing to help you with your issue?

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Farmboy Customs
Farmboy Customs 4 years ago

Yeah he helped out a lot, gots to convert to mpg and it works fine, also my upload speed aint too great so I gotta keep the size of these down, but all in all its great thanks!

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Ivan Koldin: i completely understand bad internet speeds. lol my internet is really bad, most ppl know my channel to only upload trashy looking videos because i strip the hell out of them so the file is smaller, so i can reduce my upload times. most of what i upload is audio anyway so that's why they look like shit, here is an sample of what i'm talking about. https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/whe....n-religion-abandoned

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KEEPER 4 years ago

it saves my upload times significantly, but the quality is often shit because of this, however i do on occasion upload higher quality videos using the built in grabber tool to mgtowtv when it allows the user to use the websites servers to mirror an video here.

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Farmboy Customs
Farmboy Customs 4 years ago

@KEEPER: interesting would be cool to mirror some vids of youtube

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Ivan Koldin: that's where most of the content comes from here.

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