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Uncle Bernard's (Australian) Genius Tactic That Completely Wrecked Rommel

Published on 09 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Of course Uncle Bernard, being a Hanson, he won the war.

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Oh so that was your Great Uncle Now I see where you get the Big Hairy Aussie Balls of steel from, Good Uncle Wish mines were like that instead of being deadbeat losers still he sound alike a Top Bloke and most zoomed today would shite themselves if they had to fight the SS AND TIGER TANKS like all war Based on Lies so was this GERMANY DID NOTHING WRONG EXCEPT DEFEND ITSELF \G/

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Well - it's a bit of a take from Spike Milligans book, "Adolf Hitler - My Part in His Downfall" - with only a little bit of embellishment.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Damn... even in WW2, they didn't stop being prisoners!? No Retreat!? Oh, that was nothing, right? No crocodiles or great whites?! It was just a walk in the park... Thank God for Australians... without them we the West would never had stopped Japan or Germany at uhm Egypt? Libya? Shit, I forgot which one? Libya? The Rats huh?! Well, wd don't call them The Greatest Generation for nothing... now maybe if they enforced some more discipline on their Baby Boomers...

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My family being full of dysfunctional (brain dead and non communicative = make no effort retards) people.... I have NO recollection of ever having met Uncle Bernard...... Non..... I had met my world fameous cousins for like 10 seconds each when I was sort of almost 6 years old... "Oh HI... Nice meeting you.... Bye" ----- I can't even remember which one was who.... but there was like 2 of them...... "Go meet your cousin" said genius uncle....

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Well Bernie died in a work accident some time in the late 50's - quite a while before I was born. He also died without my permission, AND he never bothered to come and visit either... Rather rude at best.

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