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Understanding the Zombie Apocalypse

Published on 10 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation

This is interesting and light hearted. A look at the True ZOMBIE invasion of the Anit Crist or as we know it TECHNOLOGY that has created the ZOMBIE! lol!

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Awesum thanks. Do you also have more on The BLADE RUNNERS smashing cameras the latest I heard they Smashed all cameras all in Bromley Absolute Legends \G/

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mrghoster 1 year ago

I'll see what I can find on the Blade Runners Clips, tghere are not many currently, but yes they sorted Bromley out but I expevt SADGIT Khan has already replacing them. That Moron is in for one hell of a FALL from grace. Why I'm here When voting comes I think next year DO NOT vote Labour. Starmer's plan's are to make everything even worse with everyone. He wants to cripple the economy totally carry on the war on Road Users and get this, He wants pubber boat people to share YOUR home, if you don't agree he will double your pole tax bill, msounds like a scare ruymour to me but I dont trust anything in authority anymore, I've become a stoic like you can see in my other postings. The Police (if you see them)! drive round like frightened FAGGOT's in their rainbow Tonka Toy's, round my way that is a peacful area anyways they actually drive round together in two car's! lol! what a bunch of pussies, also our LARGE town no longer even has a Police Station, nopwe you have to gio to a local community hall where Plastixc Policemen with no authority fail to deal with any of your questions or needs and the council take £98 a month of me for a service and we get nothing. anyway I'll cjeck out Blade Runner's for you. Peace bro.

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@mrghoster: Thanks you brother and I see you found the blade runner video I was talking about and I commented on their as well.

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Haha Rainbow Tonkas yeah I have heard about these frightened FAGGOTs driving in TWOs I'm not surprised I have heard they are suffering so bad they have to recruit at job fairs what Losers with all that bullshite about £35,000 starting Salary Haha what a fucking joke, it won't be long of they try to enforce more Bullshite from their corpo scum overlords then they will end up in bodybags or dumpster fires can't ssybi blame members of the british public if they start doing that. Nowadays the "TheScumbag Force" is useless because look at all the looting youths did on Oxford Street and they hardly arrested anyone and those they did was a drop in a bucket.

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I never voted for any polly garbage trash they are all liars and thieves and it never gets any better no matter who you vote as some say it's needs to cleaned house top to bottom and bottom to top and back helping the sovereign people and as we know the Corp don't want that and may never happen again. Godbless you brother and stay safe and far away from those FAGGOTS in your neck of the woods \G/

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mrghoster 1 year ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Plitic's has become so corrupt in the UK there is rumbles of REFORM of the Poilitical system that was formed for the people but now only serves the GREED of business. When complete City Councils are going and have already gone bankrupt then it say's people just don't have the money to be ripped off over.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

I'd avoid all soy except natto, which studies say improve brain health measurably.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 1 year ago

the first 5 mins boom!

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Yep your not wrong school is overrated and waste of young life. First 5 mins is Truth and Facts \G/

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mrghoster 1 year ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I've learned more about how to live after the schooling stopped.

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@mrghoster: You and me both brother, such a shame that so much of younger life was wasted listening to idiots aka teachers when could have been enjoyed and spent making the most out of life. Life wasted on school BS when could have been used to build and enjoy better life. I agree with this guy ZOMBIE IN RECOVERY haha We all learn more when we left the academic system of Bullshite.

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mrghoster 1 year ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Moat of my schooling was in a School for artially sighted and Blind Kid's, the teachers after I left and the school closed became good friens as I got older, there are only two left now. I kinda enjoyed my education as unlike normal schools (if that's the right word? We were taught practical stuff as well as the 3 R's, so I had a great grounding in life, yep it was tough at times but if it wasn't I would NOT have learned anything. Kid's today are not being educated but politically brainwashed with a BIG stick with NO Carrot attached to one end. Have you noticed in life these days that everything is a Threat. Go a few buccks over your bank account and not just a polite reminder letter no longer arrives byt threats of Court and fine's and penalties are thrust upon you? This is because of the NON Human Corporate shit that runs all now. School is now a part of that with schools be sponsored nmot by the state but cooperates, that at a young age already have their DICKS well inserted up in the Kid's ASSES.. This world is FINISHED this time round because rationale and logic is now missing. They talk about collectives and living as one Hive mind, but in reality the only SANE one's left of the old SCHOOL! are "WE" the individual's and WE can only save our own ASSES. Nope in a fractured world of lie's and incoherence it is the individual that WILL survive. Dump all that goody goody CRAP you werte taught and go out there man with all your guns blazing! Peace.

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