United Nations report calls for the decriminalization of adults having sex with children
The New World Government politicians and leaders are nothing but a bunch of satanic, greedy, evil, murdering, adrenochrome sucking, parasitic, thieving, perverted, murdering child fuckers. And I am still being way to kind.
There is much more to that report. They want drug laws thrown out also. The entire landscape will look like the Kensington area of Philadelphia.
Source: TRUTHER'S LAIR: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ArAjws5w62NE/
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I've been saying it for years now (((they))) are ABSOLUTELY GOING TO LEGALIZE PEDOPHILIA...100% GUARANTEED!!!
They truly want to unleash utter depravity and total chaos. About a decade ago I read a pdf released by a think tank which can be summed up as "we'll know we've won when they accept pedophilia, bestiality and necrophilia". It was a wtf moment for sure. I'm not surprised the UN is pushing an agenda like this.