Unvaxxed set up their own MARKET to avoid mandatory jabs in the old one
Published on 09 Jan 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Spot the dim wit idiots and their compliance propaganda.
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Yeah the sock puppets with the managements hand up their arses.
"Oh the Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot? Ummmmm
Well the unvaccinated are unsafe, a risk to the community, should be scanning the QR codes every 10 steps, signing in, wearing face masks - bla, bla, bla....
Oh all the vaccinated dropping dead, ending up crippled for life and filling up the hospitals?
We don't have that in New Zealand, Just ask Jacinda "Meth Head" Adern."
The Main Sleaze Media are complicit in the mass murders, and are going to be beheaded and hung.
The original place lost 60 out of 100 vendors. Great! A 60% drag up rate! Kudos for the new place not allowing media to come in and taint their place. The media has shown their colors of who they back. I take it the new place does not discriminate? If you want to be jabbed or not, fine? If you want to wear a mask or not, fine? Freedom of choice.
I enjoyed the clip but title's a bit misleading, they left the market to avoid mandatory masks and qr codes, not mandatory jabs.