TL;DR10:34 PM
+Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster Such an internet tough guy. I'm so scared.
Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster10:42 PM
+TL;DR Well when you dish it out, you better be able to take it. You bullied other MGTOW with impunity. Hope you'll send some of your trolls to my channel
TL;DR10:50 PM
+Top Dollar MGTOW Gangster I could but your level or retardation in incomprehensible. Calling some a coward for not going to a google hangout that they weren't even told of it's existence let alone invited to it and then stating that they send someone else in their place? You're paranoid and insane. Then you just prance around making veiled quasi-threats and asserting that you and you alone are the sole arbiter of what constitutes masculinity and that it something that must be earned and only you can decide who gets it when you know nothing of my life or what I do. You're not a MGTOW, you're a scared, paranoid, angry, tradcon hiding behind a computer screen puffing up your chest like you're some sort of big man yet are threatened by even the slightest push at your echo chamber. Fucking sad. Please seek professional help.
"I could but your level or retardation in incomprehensible."
Well your level of coward and lack of testicular fortitude is also incomprehensible.
"Calling some a coward for not going to a google hangout that they weren't even told of it's existence let alone invited to it and then stating that they send someone else in their place? "
You and PsychologicalCynic have mutual subscribers and you made two fucking videos about Angry MGTOW, so cut the bullshit.
"You're paranoid and insane. " And you're a pussy who can only throw a punch but can't take one.
"You're not a MGTOW, you're a scared, paranoid, angry, tradcon hiding behind a computer screen puffing up your chest like you're some sort of big man yet are threatened by even the slightest push at your echo chamber. "
Bitch, isn't this exactly what you've been doing all this time? Double standards.
Well you're "technically MGTOW" whatever the fuck that means.
I really start to suspect you're women. That voice of yours doesn't sound natural at all. BTW I am honored by your respond because it shows this video really got under your skin.
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