It will take a long time but maybe one day the femon's the Masculine one's will get jealous of the femon Guy's and things will return to normal?.................NAH! I don't believe that either. I'm old, I no longer give a fuck anymore, soon I will have to die hopefully in my comfortable BED.! lol!
@SoloMan Zone: I'm destrined to die alone. since Covid all the so called friends haven't returned , Most I talk to are here online. The only person since the beginning of Covid that has entered my home is the Guy that services the combi boiler for the landlord and he will stop coming as well if we have to go over to Heat Pumps, LOL!.
I watched a movie the other night that had a good ending ,, an unspeakable ending by todays standard... PARIS BY NIGHT! A lying cheating murdering femon was the main character. ,, and a child with her husband she planned to divorce.. .. he shot her dead... It's nice to feel like justice was served at the end of a movie.. something I rarely see anymore.. Hollywood has rewritten morality in their storylines
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This planet would become the femon version of PLANET OF THE APESSES! lol!
Does Banana Airlines fly out of "FIFE" in Scotland? lol! Fife/Fiffe get it!
Remember a 70's song "Wow! I'm going to Barbados" with your pilot Tobias Wilcox, on "COCONUT AIRWAYS"!¬ lol!
It will take a long time but maybe one day the femon's the Masculine one's will get jealous of the femon Guy's and things will return to normal?.................NAH! I don't believe that either. I'm old, I no longer give a fuck anymore, soon I will have to die hopefully in my comfortable BED.! lol!
I watched a movie the other night that had a good ending ,, an unspeakable ending by todays standard... PARIS BY NIGHT! A lying cheating murdering femon was the main character. ,, and a child with her husband she planned to divorce.. .. he shot her dead... It's nice to feel like justice was served at the end of a movie.. something I rarely see anymore.. Hollywood has rewritten morality in their storylines