Urgent Announcement
Assalaamu ‘alaikum!
MY email account (inhosein@hotmail.com) was hacked and blocked about 3 weeks ago, and despite my best efforts, I have been unable to recover it. If you have contacted me recently by email, and have received no reply, it is because the account is still blocked. However you can now contact me at inhosein@imranhosein.org. Please note that I am both traveling, and writing a new book, at the same time, with no time to answer questions pertaining to knowledge, or recent events.
I NO longer have access to the record of all those who made donations towards the cost of printing The Qur’an and the Moon. If you made a donation for the book, or to assist with my travelling expenses, kindly contact me so that I can recover the lost information.
Only one book now remains to be printed in Pakistan to complete my set of 31 books. I have also lost the contact information of all those who have ordered complete sets (autographed). If you ordered a complete set of books (autographed), or wish to make an order, do please contact me again by email.
Finally, kindly note that my visit to Pakistan will not commence for, perhaps, another 2 months from now Insha’ Allah.
with love,
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