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US Military Draft in 2025, Women Included!

Published on 21 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs
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WMHarrison94 9 days ago

I hope Congress trips over itself: Freedom First Republicans already said because of Trump's sham trial and guilty verdict, they won't allow anything to pass... It will be quite entertaining if the Supreme Court tells them to make it an Ammendment...

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WMHarrison94 9 days ago

Hmmm, what if you as an American male did not live in the US let alone CONUS when you turned eighteen?

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Alpha070 12 days ago

Fantastic Womens Infantile Stupidity has finally cought up with them and Daddy isnt there to save them No Men wont go near them Anymore "Getyour Warfaces on" Girls,Indeed after watching that Video i had to laugh so hard that i neede to wait a bit untill i was able to Type here Wouwou youre in the Army Now...hahahahahahah

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WMHarrison94 9 days ago

They'll find all the dick er men both on our side and the Russian side trying to get pregnant, but didn't they through that they ad pregnant women were still combat ready? I almost wish I could be there to see their reactions.

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