US Secret Weapon! ?
When I look at thgings like Biden, it does make me more convinced we are living in a Virus infected "Simulation"? The unbelievable "STUPID" seems to be becoming the Norm these day's. This video from Jeff Taylor (Aq Channel well worth the watch), kind of supports that thouyght? The MADDER thwe world get's the less I comply or follow it, and life is becoming pretty stress free for me, a MGTOW Monk on my own? Because U've reached an age where Giving any FUCK's is way down my list of important shit! lol! Biden, or Johnson or sany of the other FUCKWIT's who supposedly are LEADER's are perfect examples of when you get older "GET OUT". Stop giving a fuck about anything but YOU, and start to live your life for once. In this case Biden is so fucking unrealiable and motor mouthy that the best they could do is send an UNPOPULAR fenininist substitute that will probably fuck up anyway's? Mind you they have restricted what this wall hitter can do or say?
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Cameltoe Harryass is just there to blow whoever she can into submitting to the U.S. The fact that she would be a less embarrassment than "Pedo Joe" is the real embarrassment.