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Published on 14 Oct 2023 / In People & Blogs

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On that note, how do you differentiate between your inner conscience (which may have legit issues) and introjects from abusers?

Good evening, Stef! Why is it that people think that you should "spank your child while they're young so that they know to obey you when they're older"?

Dear Stefinator: my 9 year old is visiting my parents for a few days of fall vacation. However, my dad crashed the car into a huge truck, motorway speed, with my daughter and mother in the back. Nobody hurt, but totally his fault. He hasn't called me to say what happened. When I called him, he basically hung up when I started to ask. I'm utterly shocked. Your thoughts? (Hey people: donate to the Stefinator!)

Hey Stef, after watching one of your videos the other day I realise people in my life don't give me credibility in the areas I am strong at.
What have I done to facilitate this and how do I fix it?

What do you think about people’s story about how they felt something off before a tragedy happened, like someone who had the urge to call a loved one and then found out they were dead?

I signed up because of your extensive library of documentaries and insightful commentaries on History and current events. For some reason this has, in my eyes devolved into endless chatter with dysfunstional people and their personal problems, usually of their own making. A sort of "Dial The Analyst" format.

I am truthfully not the least interested in hearing people whine about their self-inflicted misery! There is more than enough of that sprayed all over the Internet.

You have to much knowledge and too much to offer about history and its implications upon the current world we live in. To be wasting it on such nonsense.

But that is just me.

Last night I had a dream that I had a baby. She/he was so small, so precious. I felt a deep connection to this child in the dream. I was breastfeeding her/him, my fiancé was there and I just felt an immense sense of love and care towards both of them, especially the baby. When I woke up, I was heartbroken and devastated. So disappointed. It felt so real. I can’t stop thinking about this dream, about the baby. It has consumed my whole day. I have cried multiple times, even had a moment of hyperventilating. I have never had such a vivid dream about a baby before. I feel changed. What does this mean? I’m curious to know what you think about this..perhaps my body/genes is telling me something. I can imagine you perhaps saying this. I am 22, and cannot wait to have children. If my fiancé was on board, I’d have them right now.

Wednesday Night Live 11 Oct 2023

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