Vaccinated man's head combusts during Israeli vax protest
Published on 28 Dec 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Vaccinated man's head combusts during Israeli vax protest
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Looks like the guys in Tel Aviv are unfortunately getting high on their own supply of propaganda. Doesn't Tyranny Suck? In a sense the vaccine did make this guys head explode because due to the lies and the vaccine, it has caused this protest and consequently this mans head has exploded. The reason his head exploded is when he realized what it feels like when what his country does to the rest of the world happens to him, his mind couldn't take it. Hopefully some people learn some things from this but I have my doubts.
Waste of time
Next thing, you'll be trying to sell scams on how to make BIG money at home through the internet.
We don't need bullshit disinformation and sensationalist-but-erroneous titles polluting our position. Leave that to the Cultural Marxists, Communists, and Post-Modern types. Put up some context, show the whole video, title it appropriately, do the due diligence and research to figure out what actually happened, or GTFO!
If anything, it looks like he got hit in the face by some chemical or incendiary device.
Congratulations, you got a view; but it cost you a thumbs down. Worth it?
I don't know what to say, if this is for real, then...HOLY SHIT!!!