Vaccine risks
Published on 19 Feb 2021 / In
Film & Animation
We share this not because we’re looking for attention but because we want to spread awareness. Vaccine Injury Does Happen and it is Not Rare. Please BE INFORMED of the risks before you make a choice. I'm not here to make an ANTIVAX stance or a PROVAX stance, rather I'm sharing encouraging people to BE INFORMED before they make a choice, and inviting other to RESPECT other parents and their choices. I'm posting this as in many other states these rights are being stripped away from families. It should not be the governments' choice what you do for YOUR KIDS. While there are lots of people that have no adverse reactions to immunizations, there also are MANY OTHERS who do have an
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Poor child
It both happened to me when I was two where my first vaccine gave me autism ever since then and my four recent hpv vaccines back in my early teens gave me OCD + Severe Anxiety Disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome and some neurological issues with my spinal cord where my neck sometimes spasms out of control briefly as well as violently twitching out of control.
If they try to force a mandatory covid needle in my body, The first thing they will get is a knife in their throat For real.
scary shit dude.