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Valentine's Day German men are the cheapest! Oh my!

Published on 07 Dec 2013 / In People & Blogs

I found a German 'article' on how much money men choose to spend for their women on Valentine's day and thought it was 'worthy' of translation. Here is my translation and a link to the original.

Valentine's Day Presents: German men are the biggest cheapskates
Women who wish for worthwhile tokens of affection probably should not flirt with German men-because when it comes to presents they are quite stingy.
At least according to the study of a British jewellery company. To see which nationalities produce the more generous lovers and what the most popular gifts are, see below:
The 14th of February is Valentine's Day. Some men maintain that this tradition is a pure consumerism rip-off and do not give anything to the woman of their heart on this day. Still others manage to bring a bouquet back home or take their lady out to a candlelit dinner. And still others spend the big bucks to prove their love to their partner.
A current evaluation by the global jewellery and fashion company "Bottica", based in London, allows for insight into masculine gift-giving behaviour on Valentine's Day from all over the world.
This yielded the following results: the happiest women this year are those with an Asian connection from China, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore because their lovers spent 173 pounds per online order on average.
Spain and France got 2nd and 3rd place on the generosity list- with about 180 and 143 Euros per purchase. British and American men limited their budget for this year's Valentine's Day present to 118 and 107 pounds.
And now the bad news: the biggest cheapskates when it comes to jewellery orders for women are German men, according to "Bottica". Getting last place at 59 pounds, even Italian men at 62 pounds are still ahead of them by four euros.
The most popular jewellery gifts are earrings, according to "Bottica", making up a third of all gifts purchased. The second most popular presents are bracelets, making up 26 percent of purchases and 21 percent of customers wish to charm their lover with a necklace.
There is something else apparent from the analysis of Valentine's Day presents: regardless of which country male customers come from, they do not seem to have any meaningful future promises in mind, based on their tokens of affection.
A total of 86 percent of buyers avoided jewellery that expressed a form of commitment or belonging- such as rings. Still, the 14th of February is not the day of marriage vows but rather of lovers.

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