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VICTORY: Canada Ends Plan To Murder Handicap People After Professionals

Published on 05 Feb 2024 / In Entertainment

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VICTORY: Canada Ends Plan To Murder Handicap People After Professionals Revolt — This Is The Way Forward

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Toki 2 months ago

Weird take by the way. I figure you would want handicap to die because they are soaking up welfare funds you could have? Isn't that the point of business and economics? That means more wealth and luxury for you Alex. Less useless humans around. They don't even make videos or anything. They jsut collect welfare checks for simply being disabled. I know because there's quite a few women abusing my employer's generous worker's comp ever since Biden signed the Act earlier this year. One blue-haired younger woman got a job out here, got "injured" within a week of employment, and that was two months ago. She is still collecting worker's comp for free. I believe she's fibbing. Another woman "injured" herself at work the first to second day after Biden put out the "women and minorities" worker's comp bill for a free Fed-funded lawyer to represent them. See why I want assisted suicide as an option for me and not them? Funny thing is I'm a white man the "slave owner." While the middle-aged woman who's gaming the system is black. We both work at the same place and she's been riding out that worker's comp welfare since Feb of this year. But again I'm the white slave owner correct? There's about 5 other women doing the same thing and a few new hire younger guys in the disability pool. Maybe if you had euthanasia for disability folks they would get back to work or maybe they are super depressed and don't want to live anymore just like me. It's understandable. Eventually I'll be killed by a mob of 100 people hunting me down because I'm white anyways. I can defend myself against a few, but I'm not a level 100 isekai character.
You see Alex it will continue to get worse for us because women have power. It's that simple. I live in a "red state" but we have a commie Karen state governor. The men in my state are mostly cucks giving women all this social power which is destroying everything. Thank God you rarely seem to platform female guests or co-hosts. Yes the ruling class men are Evil also. But that's because they have to simp so much to rent women's company. I know you support Trump but he did pay to sleep with Stormy Daniels correct? How can you trust anyone like that? It's total simping. He should start an entertainment industry of his own to make American media great again. Just look at how woke the movies and TV is. The awful music culture of hoes and gangbangers. The main media news of uber simps like Don Lemon. This is because most men are weak and refuse to be manly men who work somewhere. Like being lumberjacks. There's a big factor of your problem also. Trying to make money online then complaining about inflation. Of course there's inflation because the internet economy and monetization is a big cause of it. It's the same as money printing. Think of all the working men out there who get paid less than Asmongold the manchild. Or Amouranth the camgirl. Would you rather see working men give up and jump off rooftops making a huge mess? Or having the option to cleanly and peacefully die by their own will? We have pet euthanasia and abortions anyways. You can sign up for the military to become a mercenary that gets paid to kill and terrorize people for personal gain. But you can't choose to go to a hospital and check out of such a cruel world?

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Toki 2 months ago

What if I truly just want to end it though? No more taxes, no more women around, no more work and suffering. I'm just a slave to the ruling class while fat people are online e-beg for free handouts. Do you streamer folks really need more money? You seem to be eating in excess so you must be rolling in wealth already. No offense Alex, I'm just saying I have a real job and can't afford food because I'm paying taxes to your prostitute girlfriends, wife, and kids. I get nothing in return from anyone. Not even a thank you. So I want assisted suicide in my area.
Everyone hates me because I'm male after all. If men had this option to check out easily then maybe grifters online would finally notice how useless they are to the real life economy supply chain of working men who have real jobs. Also women would suffer because all their slaves would disappear.
The Gov can replace me with migrants who will invade their Ivory Towers and rape them. Remember white men like me are so toxic and dangerous right? So why not let me check out and the ruling class can deal with third worlders instead. Who will cause problems for them. No more free checks for my parents or sister from me either. My own family only see me as a slave to pay taxes for their benefit. That's why I was born. I'd rather die before them just to make a point but they wouldn't even care anyways so it doesn't really matter I suppose. There's nothing wrong with wanting to end your life. Living with humans is reason enough to want to fix the mistake your parents made without the newborn soul's consent. Given the choice I want complete non-existence = I want to have never existed at all.
My own parents are such assholes and idiots they had me circumcised. There's no reason to want to be alive other than video games and anime. But I still have to be a slave for other people at work such as managers and all the women out on permanent disability worker's comp. So it's not worth it knowing much I'm being used by other humans. If I try to make my own business or anything the Gestapo police will come seize all my assets because it's illegal to be a white man unless you're a SS white man working for the Gestapo Gov worldwide today. There is no country to flee to either. No land to own in peace. Very few humans are trustworthy those being exclusively the single celibate men who aren't driven by Lust. Alex everything you do and all that money you make is just wasted on women. Who are your opposing enemy in politics by the way.

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