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Vinland Saga Episode 20 "Crown" English Sub [HD]

Published on 20 Aug 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣At Gainsborough, Canute and his followers confront Floki and the Danish army, and he demands passage to see King Sweyn. At the castle, Canute sends Thorkell to drink with the other commanders while he goes to confront the king, flanked by Askeladd and Thorfinn. They sense an ambush in the darkened hall and King Sweyn confirms that he wants Canute dead. King Sweyn prepares to have them killed, however, Askeladd intercedes and reminds the king that Canute has delivered a victory over London via Thorkells forces. The king decides to spare Canute who decides that it is prudent to join forces with the king for the present. Ragnar's brother Gunnar approaches Canute and swears to serve him, however Askeladd mistrusts him. Later, Askeladd sends Alti and his brother back home, ordering him never to raise a sword again.

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