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Vinland Saga Episode 24 "End of the Prologue" English Sub [HD]

Published on 28 Aug 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣While Askeladd receives his reward for saving Prince Canute, he daringly questions King Sweyn's order to subjugate his own homeland of Wales. Askeladd justifies his statement by saying that the poor mountainous country of Wales is not worth the cost to conquer, and offers to broker a peace instead. Surprisingly, Sweyn accepts Askeladd's counsel, but then forces him to choose between Wales or Canute – if he chooses Wales, he must deliver the head of Canute. Meanwhile, Leif Erikson almost convinces the badly beaten Thorfinn to sail away with him, but the youth returns to the Imperial Council. Sweyn's offer proves too much for Askeladd who openly insults the king and denounces him. He reveals that his real name is Lucius Artorius Castus, and claims to be the legitimate heir to rule Britannia. Floki tries to save the king, but Askeladd beheads Sweyn before anyone can move and then fights alone against the Danish soldiers. Canute realizes that Askeladd is acting to protect him, but Thorkell reminds the prince that Askeladd is his man, so Canute steps forward and kills Askeladd with a stab to the heart. Thorfinn arrives only to have Askeladd die in his arms. Angry at missing his last chance to duel with Askeladd, Thorfinn attacks and cuts Canute in distress and despair, but Canute takes charge and claims command of the Viking army and the rule of England. Thorfinn is dragged away, and as he drops his knife in the chaos, his erstwhile journey flashes in the blade's reflection. The episode ends with shots of several previously unseen characters in various locations.

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