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violent feminazis assault church men protesting abortion

Published on 05 Apr 2021 / In Film & Animation

I don't give a fuck for the mormon church (they are my mortal enemies), but in some respects, these MEN, in upholding the issues and principles of family and paternity and responsibility etc., show up the shit bag retarded arsehole feminists up for what they are....

Fucking MORONS.

Just watch these evolutionary dead shits in their #metoo group think bullshit, carry on until they self extinct their retarded blood lines, through old age and infertility.

At best, most of them have about 4 or 5 years of fertility left to go, before they biologically shit can their 3.5 billion years of evolution into the dust bins of history.

Then they will become miserable, drunken old slags, with their cats and their dildos and their fucking shitty "blame their being fucking stupid" on some one else.

You being an unfuckable, nasty, stupid cunt, that NO decent man wants to partner up with and raise a family?

"Oh no - we are victims of the patriarchy - it's their fault!"

And who taught you THAT shit?

All the other OLD, LOSER, CHILDLESS and now infertile post wall women.

That's who.

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

Why is it that women who are the most upset about the argument are women nobody wants.

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Yeah and those lovely hansom mormon boys are ever so nice. I am a bit old to pass myself off as pastors nephew at the next all faith convention...

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