Virtue & Righteousness
In this video I'll be talking about the concepts of virtue, nobility, morality & righteousness. But also most of all, knowing when you are wrong.
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The "sunk cost fallacy" is what causes a lot of men to stay with a woman long after the relationship passed the point of no return.
From a very young age I was taught to be honest both to myself and other's I was taught to admit to mistakes and error, their's NO shame in that at all.
Here in thwe UK where I am, I've given up 0on the Health fiasco known as the NHS. I'm taking my chances alonbe seeing as I've had a pretty heal;th life anyways and I'm now an old FART of 67 going on 20 years old! lol!. Fuck health, science, politic's and religion and any other pile of CRAP I can think of! lol! My savior has beenn my solitude which I have spent most of my like in and I love my solitude, fuck all the other CUNT's that rejected me ! lol! (I'm not angry or bitter at all by the way)! Covid was the turning point when all these so called family and friends who effectively used my skills and Talenbt were not really femily of friends. I have NO intention odf inviting or accepting and offer of reconciliation or forgiveness, Fuck then all, If they couldn't be there for me then I have no use for them anymore and I don't intend to be taken advatnage of ever again. My solitude and being alone (NEVER LONELY) may I add, has saved my soul and life and will continue to do so minus any Human trash baggage!
It's funny but all four of your title words don't seem to be connected with religious types, but I've found the people most likely to be those things are Non Believers in religion with only belief in THEMSELVES. Let's remember the Roman's and Jewish tribes created the very badly flawed Bible and that is because it is a Human made construct not a spiritual one, created to control the masses with FEAR, Sound Familiar?
I'm no NAZI, in fact I guess I';m A Political regarding all that crap. BUT I do have a secret Admiration for Hitler. We always hear about the bad side of him because history is written usually with many lies by the winners. Who then go on to do equally evil shit. People either forget or their ignorance wont accept the GOOD Hitler did pre War for Germany. Take today's political "PUSSIES". Can you remember the last time they did anything good for their CUNTry? No me neither. Grew up in the late 50's and 60's when I was a kid then. OK the world wasn't perfect, BUT improvement and development and innovation was very much visible. the current situation I wouldn't go waste myt PISS on any of them if they were on fire. No more "CARROT" left because they closed all the farm's so they just keep-0 beating on us with a big stick which will and is creating nothing but anger and resentment. When these CUNT's FALL ( and they WILL), We will party like never before as we burn and abuse THEM for their Crimes. Mind you I'm building a pretty damned good life out of all this crap simply by NOT complying and being one step ahead of the curve. with a simple peice of cardboard I turned COVID on it's herad and I didn't wear a mask at any pointy nor did I comply with distancing and the rest of the BULLCRAP either.