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Voting To Ban Cigarettes In UK

Published on 16 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation
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mrghoster 10 months ago

When these law's come in most people only find out or hear of it when they get caught out?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 months ago

Impossible to enforce

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mrghoster 10 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: No logic goes into modern law making, it's all about the DOSH and nothing else.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

Don't know if you are aware or remember about 2 years ago they tried a scam that said Smoking was no longer as bad as first thou8ght? It didn't last very long, a month or two and it was a scam to get people smoking again, but it didn't work and the freebe's were not coming their way, so now it's BAN it altogether, see how it works? I think this is happening with the EV thing as well? It's all gone tit's up anbd so I wouldn't be surprised because the money isn't flowing from EV's that a big Promo will start again for oil and ICE engine not being as bad as imagined. Ther money will roll in for a while and oil will have a stay of exaction for a while. We know net zero is impossible and will burn out for want of a better word sooner or later. It's all mind games because at the moment their options are limited, they don't really know what to do andso they behave like spoiled playground bullies because they cant get their own way without THREAT's and FEAR. They could bind that honesty and being NICE may be a surprising route to take? But NAH, not them!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 months ago

How did the world become so shitty

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mrghoster 10 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: The wrong types of do gooders. To much Carrot and leaniency have lead to our world of today where only the STICK remains. To mych forgivemess and liberal thinking has allowed the bad guys to get away with everything. Any way I'm an old FART no to old may I add)! so why should I care anymore, I'm living life ok skirting around the bullshit because I guess WE (our generations) are the last and most fortunate to have been gifted with a BRAIN and able to think for ourselves. a buddy and I are always talking about this how WE have been the luckiest generation in Human history, this is how we can cope with today. nope life hasn't been purfect but it has tasught me how to get on.

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mrghoster 10 months ago

There's no money in smoking for government now so they want to ban it, in the same way today there is no money left in OIL so they want Net zero. Americans had prohibition in the 1920's I think it was? bvecause their was no money in booze because people learned to maker their own. with anything once there isn't as slice of a freebe for government they want to ban it. Personally I've never smoked, but look at the way even Doctor's as far back as the 1950's were promoting Smoking as good! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 months ago

They want us to not smoke not drink go to work pay taxes and die early

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mrghoster 10 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: Sadly my friend it's always been the same, coping is the secret to a pleasant life, seeing through the mist of the BULLSHIT and seeing a distant land of sunshine and goodies that only you can see and find in yourself. Any thing or anyone else is a hinderance.

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Jaygo 10 months ago

On another side not.. Banning cigarettes has a much deeper reason for it. I'd advise anyone who's interested, to look at the benefits of Menthol, and you'll find why they hate it so much. It's really Menthol cigarettes they have the problem with. You'll find that they banned athletes from using menthol in sports because they considered it a "performance enhancement drug" if taken internally or topically.. it's soo much that i research and i'm trying to make this as short as possible,. so i promise this is the last side note. I'm not sure how many of you remember during the Covid lockdowns, There were a few scientific research articles that came out, but quickly disappeared. They found that the "Spike Protein", for some reason, couldn't survive in the people who consumed alcohol and or smoked cigarettes. And Just as the article put a disclaimer saying they're not advising anyone to go out and start smoking or drinking. I'll do the same. I'm only passing on information.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 months ago

Whats a foot Watson

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Jaygo 10 months ago

I did some semi deep research on Cigarettes, and found that Cigarettes are NOT actually linked with Lung Cancer. In fact. It is the Lung Cancer "Screening" that actually causes cancer because the lung cancer "Screening" is actually radiation and poison that actually create on the lungs what is call "nodes". nodes are synonymous with tumors. Long story short. The more you dig into the crap of lies they've fed us for years and have us believing, the more you'll find this little scam they pulled with the Plandemic has been going on for HUNDREDS of years. Basically. Telling people something that's normal, will make them sick or kill them, And prevent yourself from getting sick or dying, Come and take this shot, or screening, or drug. Which is actually the thing that will make them sick or kill them. Like is said, They've been doing this a long time The only difference with Covid is; It was the Biggest and deadliest scam and they did it on a global scale, so lots of people eventually saw it for what it was. But my point is. When you look into the history of cigarettes, you'll see that hindsight is 20/20. Pun intended.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 months ago

Yea, things are not what they seem

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