Waifu Or Civil Court Charges
Published on 11 Sep 2021 / In
People & Blogs
Thoroughly read these items and watch entire video. Buy a doll, walk away!
Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/0....9/10/us/politics/cal
Bill: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.....gov/faces/billTextC
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If you don't want to be robbed by a female, then go mgtow monk.
rent to own unless is silicon
Very thankful for these waifu videos. The laws never favored men or even boys. I was the victim of many sexual crimes by women at as young as 4-5 years old. I even had a female therapist rape me when I was on meds and suicidal (she saw that as her chance to 'close the deal'), my life is full of horror stories women claim they experience exclusively at the hands of men. The law was never on our side, and the recent 10 years have only solidified what was otherwise implied.
Under western society men have no rights benefits, we only have permission and punishment.
Go your own way; JUST GET A DOLL!
Keep your eyes on this, gentlemen:
From the link: "The Sex Robots really are coming and they are coming very soon from DS Doll Robotics. "
I'm telling you right now, if that mofo is anywhere under 10 grand, I'll be getting one immediately after they work out the bugs with the first model because you better believe the screeching from the women that don't need no man anyway to make them illegal is going to go supersonic.