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Waifu Singularity

Published on 30 May 2021 / In Science & Technology

I could be way off, it's just me guessing.
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Very concerned about the vax right now, both my parents got it, and a friend of a friend got the vax. I took a peek at Facebook and they now have profile pic banners for the vax, just like they did for the masks. This is getting creepy, I don't want that damn vax. Just on the surface it's being pushed way too hard for such a low death toll.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

Hay Brother ..Don't get the Jab it's not a vax even if it is it came out in 7 month's not 5-7 years like it should !

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Pulsar 357
Pulsar 357 4 years ago

Read some of the inserts, they contain mRNA instead of a virus. If it's not a placebo effect, this could explain why some people are acting differently after they take it, like Eggy Noggy mentioned. With mRNA you could potentially "edit" people.

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Pulsar 357
Pulsar 357 4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: Thanks for the info, biology isn't my strong suit.

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