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Walmart's Ice Cream Sandwiches Don't Melt - What kind of crap are they feeding us

Published on 21 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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KEEPER 5 months ago

it's not much diffrent from MacDonald's, they replaced actual ice cream with some water based mixture of some extract of cream but mostly it's got sugar and some other odd stuff, not sure it's that bad for a person, but it's not traditional ice cream, there is no dairy involved from what i understand.

it's like those impossible burgers, they aren't made with cow meat, it's some plant based thing that only looks like meat, i tried one once, and it tastes ok at first but they leave a weird after taste and they don't cost any diffrent from the whopper counterpart, i guess it's only good for the vegans.

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West3rnSpy 6 months ago

Stop buying "food" from that shithole. And if people want real change.... They need to embrace boycotting of foods that contain chemicals that are banned in other countries. Zero reason for a "1st world country" to have such shitty food.

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I think the Jew-SA's Food and Drug Aministration, is to allow almost anything to be pumped into the food supply and THEN and ONLY then, if it proves to be overtly dangerous, THEN then will eventually get around to banning it - kind of like eventally, sort of one day.... like Transfats - super stable metabolic poisons....

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 6 months ago

"bioengineererd" was y first guess. The regulations on including this in food and labeling were changed by the FDA during the Biden Administration. One story of this was how they mixed spider genes with goats to produce spider silk in goat's milk. Essentially, this is the "eating bugs" part of eat bugs, live in the posts, own nothing, and be happy.

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Pfffff - the smoke rose from my burning brain cells.... I am not saying spider silk from goats milk isn't true..... I mean fuck me... there is so much shit going on..... on one hand spiders silk in large volumes very cheaply - WOW... Ah-mazing.... But on the other hand, "Why can't these cunts, just leave the fucking animals, well enough alone....... Fuck....

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sauger1001 6 months ago

If the fruit flies and cockroaches aren't touching it, that's a good indication people shouldn't either.

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In Australia we have many species of blow flies that lay live maggots onto dead and rotting things... If your taking a shit in the bush, they stamped to the fragrance from your anus faster than Captain Kirk in the Enterprise........ You know the Aldi Devon roll meat...... I did a test... cut off a bit, and left it outside, and NOTHING would go near it - meat ants, blow flies, nothing. Nothing went near it. Nothing would land on it, Nothing would eat it. "I said to myself, "This can't be fucking good - if the blow flies that lay maggots into the stench of rotting road side carcasses won't touch this shit, then I am not eating it either"".

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