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War Is Good For Chinese Women? - MGTOW

Published on 04 May 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a mystery person who's message I can't find. He wanted me to cover what would happen to Chinese women if there was a war between the United States and China. Of course no one really takes the prospect of such a war seriously because there's the nuclear deterent present with regards to mutually assured destruction. But let's say there was a way between the United States and China that somehow didn't lead to the end of the world. What would it mean for the women of China? For most of the history the east has been the dominant power and only in the last handful of centuries have western nations been the center of global power. If China won a hypothetical war then you could see the ideal female form shift away from white males which have higher sexual marketplace value all over the world to Chinese males. I doubt it because European males have blue eyes and blonde hair and height so maybe western gold digging women would try to get together with more Chinese men but I doubt this because they aren't as skinny and Asian men don't want European women unlike Asian women that find European men attractive. If this hypothetical war lead to massive male casualties then it might tip the gender ratio back into men's favor. To answer the question that is the title of this video war is not good for Chinese women if large portions of the male population died because then it would tip the scales of power in the sexual marketplace back in the favor of men. The imbalance is bad because for every 119 males born in China in 2005 there were only 100 females being born. So that leaves about sixteen percent of the men in China as incels with no wife. But a modern war will not effect the male population all that much because the wars of the near future will be fought with drones and minimal casualties. Or they will be fought by countries trying to produce the most crypto currency. The hash rate wars as Max Keiser has said before. China apparently has the most cheap hydro power in the world and mines have the world's Bitcoin. A war like that will be great for Chinese women because their men will make a fortune and lavish those women with luxury goods. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. I remember years ago learning about Kublai Khan and his more famous grandfather Ghenghis Kahn and how Kublai Khan conquered China. I read stories about how Chinese princesses were taken out of their lush palaces and forced to become the wives of generals that were part of the Mongul Hordes after they broke through the great wall of China and took over the country. They had move into nomadic style tents and were forced to live outside of of built structures for the first time in their lives. Like a Chinese princess going camping. I don't think that camping is really all that big a thing in China today. Let alone seven to eight hundred years ago. If the United States won a war between themselves and China then you can sure bet there would dozens of new military bases popping up all over China and Chinese women would be lining up at those bases ready to trade BJs for Green Cards. Chinese women are already doing that in China with Western men. I remember watching ADV China's YouTube channel and one of the guys on there shared a story about a Chinese woman with a good career that was ready to love him long times but he wasn't attracted to her. So she ended up with another European man because after a woman gets into her Thirties in China she's a leftover woman and it's not socially acceptable to marry her if you're a Chinese man so many Chinese women try to find a white man to marry instead.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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sauger1001 4 years ago

11:50. A cucked, sissified caucasian man may be easier from whom a Chinese waahman can squeeze resources, than a traditional Chinese man, as the Sheng Nu waahman found out while dating, in some Replicant Fish videos. Still LMAO at her reaction.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

BC of the One Child policy, men outnumber waahmen nearly 2 to 1, in China. If a bunch of men are lost in a war, it may simply even the gender ratio. I doubt it would lower the number of "Sheng Nu" waahmen.

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