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War with Russia Timeline --- Jeff Nyquist & Alex Jones

Published on 26 Dec 2024 / In Other

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TripeSwing 2 months ago

Communism appears to be a generational and cyclical problem that refuses to die or go away. So the question is how do we vanquish Communism once and for all, forever? First step, I am told, is to correctly identify the source of Communism. This is not too difficult to do with a modicum of research. Perhaps the last step would be finishing any stated goals of conquest herein. Failing to finish a started conquest(s) has proven to be wrought with unending compounding perils that unfold in perpetuity. I can imagine carrying out this last step makes the females lose their minds even more than usual, but failing to do so sows the wind to reap a whirlwind. Hard men will be required for this task.

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Sant77 2 months ago

Communism comes from a broader source called "revolutionary mentality", scholars claim that the Protestant reform should be called the Protestant revolution and that it would have been the first revolution before talking about the communist movement. Calvinists built humanity's first totalitarian society, they mapped and surveilled each other in the name of a common utopian ideal, a prototype of Stasi and KGB with Christian pretexts. With the death of Christ by crucifixion, the messianics arose who awaited his immediate return, and subsequently fought to establish the paradisiacal kingdom on earth. A kind of Protestant revolutionary spirit. It began as a heretical religious response, then became secularized and adapted according to the times. Before there was communism there were already revolutionary movements, we went from the protestant revolution to the French revolution, than the Russian revolution, the fascist and national-socialist socialist revolution, the revolution of customs of the Frankfurt school, the global financial technocratic revolution... It turns out that at the current historical moment only communism has an organized structure and can satisfy the revolutionaries that exist today. Unlike the years 1920-1945, in which they could be divided among themselves with fascists and national socialists against international socialists, they will tend to serve as support for the post-Soviet communists. It is easy to make loose fascists to support the KGB and the Chinese Communist Party with a good and massive propaganda (they all believe in the economic boogie man that must be defeated, both “right wing socialists” and leftists). Kill communism, there is still revolutionary movement, kill the revolutionary mindset and communism becomes impossible as an attractive goal. The roots are metaphysical and philosophical and not material/economic

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TripeSwing 2 months ago

good reply. the roots are also behavioral, which fits with your statement. When people don't regulate their own behavior, we get the blue hairs and butchertwats we have today.

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TripeSwing 2 months ago

@Sant77: Are you in Brasil? I am a huge Jobim fan and know many of his songs on flute and sax. I assume everyone in Brasil is a default Jobim fan.

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Sant77 2 months ago

@TripeSwing: i know the guy has content, but it always seemed elevator music to me.

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TripeSwing 2 months ago

@Sant77: Try the album Antonio Brasileiro, for one. He was really subtle and deep, and wrote songs for beautiful women when it still mattered. I don't understand any of the Portuguese lyrics, and I'm a trained Bebop sax/flute player (Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Miles etc...) & almost 60 years old. Jobim surfaces as my favorite over and over. He's considered one of the most underrated composers (though not really as you can probably testify to) of the last century. He did 4 albums with Sinatra, and didn't front with his ego/persona like we Americans are so wont to do in the last decades. He's a treasure for the whole world and I would say a force of love and healing. Great master.

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TripeSwing 2 months ago

@Sant77: oh, & he wrote over 400 songs. flabbergastingly prolific.

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