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Warren buffet wealthy business partner or broke employee rule

Published on 17 Apr 2022 / In Film & Animation

In this video I shared a lesson from one of my mentors Tai Lopez talking about having a wealthy business partner or hiring a broken employee some great advice for those of you that own businesses and even if you don’t own a business or are one of those people that are broke you may be able to learn something from here to help fix your situation and be more appealing to some buddy that you want to work with or get hired by

Here are some other videos I recorded that you might wanna check out:

- Sharing valuable information from the book I'm writing to help you live the good life


- Luggage Packing tips items to bring & safety tips for traveling


- Top scams & tricks prostitutes, whores, working girls, strippers, online dating girls will do to you


-Jaco beach cocal casino Costa Rica tips for getting girls & what I like & don’t like about it


- What I love about Mazatlan (girls) and story about the jaco beach Costa Rica video I did


- Best Bars for working girls, Tips for moving to Jaco Beach Costa Rica, Tinder, Restaurants, and the Cocal Casino


- Partying w the girls at orange bar in jaco beach Costa Rica & breakfast at cocal casino


- Smoking a joint w one of the tica girls on the way to viewpoint in San Jose Costa Rica


- This is what I do for a living and how I retired young and how you can also get started


- If you own a business, I can help you get rid of the bill you hate paying for the credit card service fees you pay to accept cards.

Here is a video that explains the program


- Smoking a joint & final thoughts on my last day in Costa Rica the good and bad


- Why Tijuana is the best Destination For Guys To Get Laid Easy


- Showing you the strip clubs and brothels in Mazatlan and giving tips about each place


- Interviewing a young latina for advice to guys and why latinas are better than other girls


- Warren buffet wealthy business partner or broke employee rule


-Mine and Grant Cardone's advice to young people and old people


-Vision Boards why you need to make one right away


If there’s a video you would like me to make to answer questions or cover a topic, write in the comments or send me and email and I’ll work on it

if you are interested in the book I'm writing so I can put you on the waitlist for when it's ready


Muchas gracias!

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