An illusion, freedom once given, sex and birth, power the queen now has, the king emasculated, simp at best, cucked to all, obey or death be thy partner. Worse with time, wrath of the mother to earth she does hate. Mankind’s hope, woman’s glee to Deny, all future she too abort.
Time , a thing, once is, then gone, slipping the grip. Unstoppable, a destination, an appointment, oblivion not, a scale of deeds, judgement escaped, a grace paid by another. Till breath no more, friends shall meet, that fence between the living and dead. Well met, stories forever glorious, never not learning, no end.
I must admit my friend I think we have been the luckiest Generation in History, well in the UK anyway. I've kinda slipped back their now as I've abandoned a lot of the CRAP of today. I'm literally going back in time doing things by grandparents taught me that doesn't cost anything. Yep1 I'll say way back then was better in many ways, certainly less complicated. I thought TECH was supposed to have helped us, but all it's done is oppressed and Zombified most of the masses.
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It almost doesn't seem real anymore, does it?
An illusion, freedom once given, sex and birth, power the queen now has, the king emasculated, simp at best, cucked to all, obey or death be thy partner. Worse with time, wrath of the mother to earth she does hate. Mankind’s hope, woman’s glee to Deny, all future she too
Time , a thing, once is, then gone, slipping the grip. Unstoppable, a destination, an appointment, oblivion not, a scale of deeds, judgement escaped, a grace paid by another. Till breath no more, friends shall meet, that fence between the living and dead. Well met, stories forever glorious, never not learning, no end. This morning I woke up from a nightmare only too see nightmare woke out of me...
I must admit my friend I think we have been the luckiest Generation in History, well in the UK anyway. I've kinda slipped back their now as I've abandoned a lot of the CRAP of today. I'm literally going back in time doing things by grandparents taught me that doesn't cost anything. Yep1 I'll say way back then was better in many ways, certainly less complicated. I thought TECH was supposed to have helped us, but all it's done is oppressed and Zombified most of the masses.