Was The Man Who Made The Water Engine Murdered- - The Conspiracy Show - Documentary Central
Published on 01 Aug 2022 / In
Film & Animation
I may have mentioned this Guy before/ you watch as we go toward "NET ZERO" hundreds possibly of idea's and inventions will possible appear? I tell you this right NOW. electricity and EV's are going to fail bigtime. The combustion Engine is a natural part of life to many people. Take it away and the result will be a failure in the system, because people will find other ways and even way's and mindset's that tell these elite ASHOLE's where to stick their crap, money and profit's. Once they start to olose out they will say we were wrtong about combustion engines, but people by them will have found way's round things. I kbow I have found ways round many things happening today and I WILL NOT ever go back.
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Yeah like a long time ago.... there was a guy on "The New Inventors" (ABC Australia) who demonstrated a 6 cylinder car engine, which was started on fuel and then when hot and running, was switched to tap water.... AND it appeared to be genuine, though there was no overt sign of fuel being routed into the engine, AND I was too young to be there and analyse it....
It's pretty easy to debunk this bullshit....
You can check this out with pure maths and the electrical process's of chemistry and power inputs and power output....
Then you can cross check it with gas sensors, dynamometers, temperatures etc.,
It's all a total fraud.