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WATCH: Police Pull Guns On Afro-Latino Army officer In Traffic Stop | NBC News

Published on 11 Apr 2021 / In Film & Animation


Cant hold your hands out and get out if your seatbelt is on

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago  

I am an american and I seem to have an unpopular opinion about this. Tensions are high right now so a lot of people and It seems more so minorities are having these issues where they are openly challenging police in the streets and it keeps leading to violence. These people are not lawyers, and they are not trained in the proper understanding of the law, the cops aren't really either. The proper place to argue is not in the heat of the moment, but later when you can challenge them in court. When you encounter police, you need to de-escalate and exit the situation without getting hurt or killed. People also need to understand that in most jurisdictions in the united states the police are legally granted the authority to command you out of the vehicle for a pat down search. I agree that this video looks bad, but I challenge others to avoid the quick emotional reaction and to think it through, the guys has tints which are illegal in a lot of parts of the us, tags are not displayed properly, and he has a dog in the car. In Virginia you can carry legally. The officers have to be careful too. The officers are allowed to command you out of the car for a pat down search see Pennsylvania v. Mimms (supreme court), if you disobey, you are disobeying a lawful order and they are allowed to escalate if they want, this is why these amateur legal eagles keep getting shot and hurt. These people are way too entitled too and are often unwilling to meet someone halfway. Even if the officers are wrong, which is always possible depending of specific circumstances, you need to argue that out in court, the officers are the hammer in the tool box, they are not a precision tool, if you want to make arguments, this is why we have a court system. I am actually shocked this guy is acting like this way him being in the military, it makes me remember that the us tranny forces are cucked now too. some of these military people now are actually worse than welfare recipients at this point, I mean how is he serving the united states in virginia driving an escalade? haha.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

You are just a dumb racist piece of shit, the cops got fired already btw, the trash takes itself out.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

SHOW YOUR HANDS (complies) GET OUT OF THE CAR (means he has to use one of his hands to unbuckle the seatbelt) I CAN SEE HIS HANDS BOOM BOOM, you just looking for an excuse for Colored to be executed by a cop, piece of dumb shit

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 years ago

Next video : Afro-Latino Army officer throws away his military uniform and embraces islam.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago


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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

That's how they treated us kids in our old neighborhood.. It was very confusing the television America vs the real one we lived in..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

There was a beach parking lot us local teenagers hung out in the evening.. an ongoing thing for years.. they built a condo next door some resident(s) claimed drugs were being sold there.. They shut it down..

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@jimbennett: yeah,.. i guess colored people chillin in front of your house lowers the value, lol, anyway..., that being said , I lived (during my student days) in the city of Rotterdam in a getto (drugs and hookers on the streets),.. mostly blacks or mixed (from the Dutch Caribbean) I was wishing for a flamethrower. . met a kid who was trying to be good at math, so i wrote an program for him (math question, generator),.. he doesnt speak to his family anymore and is in college now

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: yea man,, so the condo on the beach went up the lot was turned into a loop.. no parking.. and they built a uh, Ritz-Carlton on the other side.. so our hangout was doomed..

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@jimbennett: beach front real estate is prime, so no way they are going to have a couple of youngsters enjoy it, .., now if you had the shore line of Brazil where there are pieces nobody lives (i think there are some) that would be cool, infact, lets invade brazil, de brazillians dont like their own government,

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

The charge : "...That's when Windsor police Officers Joe Gutierrez and Daniel Crocker pulled guns on Nazario, who was accused of driving without license plates,..." ...
Arrested for buying a new car, nice one.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

instruction 1: SHOW YOUR HANDS (ok)
instruction 2: GET OUT OF THE CAR
(uses hand to unblock seatbelt)

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

He is wrong he isn't following instruction. If he is an officer he should know better.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

instruction 1: SHOW YOUR HANDS (ok) instruction 2: GET OUT OF THE CAR (uses hand to unblock seatbelt) I CANT SEE HIS HANDS : BOOM BOOM.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

US us one fucked up country. "...Nazario was ultimately not criminally charged or cited for any traffic violation, his attorney said. A new vehicle tag was clearly visible in Lt. Nazario's rear window, .."

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

no charges, not even a traffic ticket, ... seriously..., btw, here in Europe you get special army number plates if you are an officer or higher, so they cant even stop you (only military police can)

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: We don't get special plates here in the states and we are expected to comply with giving attitude to the cop. Doing as told goes along way with cops. His attitude is wrong and just the thing to start a fight.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Hammerhead69: He cant comply, if he did he would get shot (must see both hands, so cant unblock his seatbelt). The cops are outta line big time, and no amount of excusing is going to justify that, you cant fuck with cops in Switzerland but this level of unprofessionalism is unthinkable, and excusing it is a big no no

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

I wouldnt have started a discussion with the cops, i would just have said, "i must show both hands so cant unblock my seatbelt", if cops pull a gun at you, I am not having a discussion, I would drive to a well lit gasstation, dont want this shit happen on a dark place on the freeway

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

Second, I dont care if he is a passive agressive asshole, you dont pull guns on ppl, when he stopped at a gasstation, nobody does that here, and dont give me this shit that crime is less in Europe, enough shit happens here,

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

"to comply with giving attitude to the cop. " this is slave mentality, the cops are not allowed to have any attitude they want!

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: When given a command by an officeer simply says and comply. He did not he drove on tfurther pissing the cops off and then kept asking them why rather than do as instructed. I have been stopped and even had a cops pull his weapon on me I get it. Don't challenge them and be polite they then get polite.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Hammerhead69: I posted a video of a black dude COMPLYING to a COP "GET YOUR LICENSE" and he GOT SHOT 4 times. Totally agree the dude was being a passive agressive asshole, but that never warents a gun pulled in your face. Looks like the police in the USA can do fuckall and there is no accountability to it, you are like the fucking Roman Empire.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Hammerhead69: I removed comments here pertaining to the other video, (only mentioned it for reference,) any comments about the other video put it under the other video

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: Dude you haven't seen where some folks keep the piece and I've seen cops and bystanders get hit. Worked bouncing with open carry and seen it as a fefighter we had to deal idiots thinking they could gun fight and the after effects. Till you've been in it don't critic.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Hammerhead69: Wtf are you talking about, Guns are manditory in Switzerland, I see citizens wearing SIG550 assault rifles in something as common as an iphone store, Never seen a Swiss cop pull a gun on anyone, and sometimes they were arresting drug dealers,.., some passive agressive simp and you pull guns, what the fuck is wrong with you yanks.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Hammerhead69:"...some folks keep the piece and I've seen cops and bystanders get hit..." Yeah prolly be on edge if stopped by the police in the USA, and believe me if the cop killed a family member, i am taking out his whole fucking family

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: We have scum bags who fire off rounds because "It's Saturday night". Walk these streets and see what you can. Having been drawn on by a cops is never fun and I was taking my garbage out to my own trash can. Been drawn on during a stop because I had an attitude. experience the problem and learn.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Hammerhead69: We have scum bags who fire off rounds because "It's Saturday night". what does that even mean?

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