WATCH: Police Pull Guns On Afro-Latino Army officer In Traffic Stop | NBC News
Published on 11 Apr 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Cant hold your hands out and get out if your seatbelt is on
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I am an american and I seem to have an unpopular opinion about this. Tensions are high right now so a lot of people and It seems more so minorities are having these issues where they are openly challenging police in the streets and it keeps leading to violence. These people are not lawyers, and they are not trained in the proper understanding of the law, the cops aren't really either. The proper place to argue is not in the heat of the moment, but later when you can challenge them in court. When you encounter police, you need to de-escalate and exit the situation without getting hurt or killed. People also need to understand that in most jurisdictions in the united states the police are legally granted the authority to command you out of the vehicle for a pat down search. I agree that this video looks bad, but I challenge others to avoid the quick emotional reaction and to think it through, the guys has tints which are illegal in a lot of parts of the us, tags are not displayed properly, and he has a dog in the car. In Virginia you can carry legally. The officers have to be careful too. The officers are allowed to command you out of the car for a pat down search see Pennsylvania v. Mimms (supreme court), if you disobey, you are disobeying a lawful order and they are allowed to escalate if they want, this is why these amateur legal eagles keep getting shot and hurt. These people are way too entitled too and are often unwilling to meet someone halfway. Even if the officers are wrong, which is always possible depending of specific circumstances, you need to argue that out in court, the officers are the hammer in the tool box, they are not a precision tool, if you want to make arguments, this is why we have a court system. I am actually shocked this guy is acting like this way him being in the military, it makes me remember that the us tranny forces are cucked now too. some of these military people now are actually worse than welfare recipients at this point, I mean how is he serving the united states in virginia driving an escalade? haha.
Next video : Afro-Latino Army officer throws away his military uniform and embraces islam.
That's how they treated us kids in our old neighborhood.. It was very confusing the television America vs the real one we lived in..
The charge : "...That's when Windsor police Officers Joe Gutierrez and Daniel Crocker pulled guns on Nazario, who was accused of driving without license plates,..." ...
Arrested for buying a new car, nice one.
instruction 1: SHOW YOUR HANDS (ok)
instruction 2: GET OUT OF THE CAR
(uses hand to unblock seatbelt)
He is wrong he isn't following instruction. If he is an officer he should know better.