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We've Forgotten the Mass Exodus of Socialism & Communism in 1989

Published on 01 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

How soon we all forget the lessons learned not 33 years ago. But then it's hard to remember when it simply isn't taught anymore...
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anonmachina 4 years ago

Communism has never existed--for Communism to exist, ALL individuals must be altruistic, impartial, and selfless.

Thus, Socialism. Or Autocracy. Or Oligarchy. Or....anything BUT 'communism'.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

But do you know the difference between Socialism and Communism?

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@SQUEAK077: In brief, Communism is a....fantasy....an attempt to believe that the EVERYONE can benefit equally. But, alas, even the apparently simple ant colony is a hierarchy (and that is as close to Communism an example one can view in all of Nature. (Well, bacteria may be even more so a model of Communism, but then, that is simple bacteria).

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anonmachina 4 years ago

(elaboration: Communism is a belief that everyone can--and must--benefit equally, an order established on equality of outcome for every individual).

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anonmachina 4 years ago

I recall seeing this...on television...not believing it was occurring (propaganda was strong...on both sides).

It was also a moment that has stayed in my consciousness forever--how a mere symbol, combined with relentless propaganda, can keep an entire populace enslaved.

Enslavement is foremost a prison of the mind.

Enslavement necessitates, at the least, two people--one declaring him or her self master, and one willing to surrender autonomy.

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sithsith 4 years ago

Capitalism is a word invented by commies, like racism, feminism , xenophobia, multiculturalism, progressivism.
All these words were invented to conquer and divide the free Occident , because communism needs to destroy freedom to implement equality by dividing the hearts and minds!

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sithsith 4 years ago

TFM says it all , commies hate nature, they think they put themselves out of nature , scarcity, competition.
The only thing you find when you don't accept the basic rules of nature , it is death , blood and starvation!!
Most men have become weak, apathetic, soyed out, prepare for massive amounts of death!!

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

It was once said that "the con job can only work if the mark wants something for nothing". This means that if you are getting all of these benefits "for free" then you are the mark. If they do this worldwide, there will be no borders or walls to jump. Great video. Great subject matter

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

As jesse ventura said 20 yrs ago walls cannot only keep people out but keep people in. I agree with you just imagine everyone coming into the states will be trying to go home. We will see what happens. Even people i know in ukraine wanted to come to the usa and canada but seeing what is going on more freedom there.

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

@SQUEAK077: The U.S.A. is slowly becoming the USSA. My son who's turning 18 soon, wants to travel to landmark as much as he can before this world becomes a Xeroxed copy of it's former self.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

@ThinkorDie: There is an old video from the ussr on u tube in a grocery store. The same clowns running the EU ,usa,canada must be working for people in zimbabwe kicking white farmers out of the country. I just hope if and when this shit show hits these bastards will be suffering.

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