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We can win this

Published on 22 Jan 2023 / In Film & Animation

Some of you may have noticed I postt quite a few of Richard Vobes Video's? I've followed Richard for a couple of years now with his walks around parts of England, But suddenly he has REALLY inspired Me withg his questioning of the system. It's the People like him that ARE going to be the freedom fighter's. we will do it with logic and common Sense, and yes I think pretty muchg in the same way as this. You need to ask questions - Here's an example o0f my own, there has been a FAKE plannedemic virus less dangerous than a common cold, so they (The Science) without any tests want to pumpo god know what intgo pewople and call it a Vaccine. WHY? It's certainly NOT to save us all, because as we see there is a massive increase in Deaths from those who took this miracle drug! OK, but how many of you have actually seen the really Large Elephant in the room?................Whats that you say? What Elephant? Well Why are they doing this supposed "Saving us all"£ when we know they talk of Population lowering. Have they hood winked most of the SHEEP into signing up to their own deaths with tricks and lies? Living in what I believe is a SATANIC and evil world of "INVERSION", I've learned to take everything and re-invert it when I hear it, the ressult isd THE TRUTH of tgheir actions. They have the masses looking one way yet at the same time the Elites "THEY" will knife YOU in the back. there ARE many and simple ways to defeat or at least interupt their actions. I myself may not appear to do much as in being alone, but if everyone say stopped buying Corporate CRAP, be that material goods or their thoughts. Prices now are so high that supermarkets for example are actually dearer per item than the independent Corner Shop run by a famiuly, so I now shop at the corner shop. I also don't hasve a TV or Smartphone, I remove the Ethanol from MY petrol to make my vehicle last longer. Someone gave me a large box of assorted "Leaf Tea's" a whiler back, so I've bought a "Tea Strainer" and now save a lot of money on mot buying NOW expensive boxes of Tea Bag's. My life quite frankly is becoming a good place as I kind of make my way back to the 1950's when I was born. I do many fixes and mends that my grandparents did that I was taught as a Kid, now all that IS paying of for me. Dopn't get HOOD WINKED, quesation everything, but don't ignore what is going onj, just keep one EYE and an EAR open to be one step ahead of it all. I never did any of the Covid restrictions I found ways round stuff at the time and I WILL continue to live a quite old fashioned life as before. Peace

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