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Published on 02 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Straven 2 years ago

The big buis filth don't give a fuck if things crash, they want there money NOW and not later, they don't care what happens so long as they get there money NOW.....I'm a greedy mthfcker but this is just fckn stupidity. This will COST instead of produce more money long term........those that refuse to look at long term vs I WANT IT ALL NOW are fucked and worse will fuck many of us caught in between by there greed and filthy attitudes.

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Yeah the smart people are going to INVEST in keeping their railroads ingreat conditions, so they last a long time and while the yields might not be as high, they will be better over the longer term.........

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Other wise they will run them into the ground and the entire railroad system just collapse and be fucked - from end to end.

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Straven 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yeah, I've heard from older brothers in my electrical trade of buisn'es running some plants literally into the damn ground to the point it burns down, sells the ashes to someone else who does minor repairs or just enough to get it running and then does the exact same damn thing. My personal experience is worse, its a nuclear plant that is run into the gdm fckn ground by the company making a fckn ton every day off each reactor yet they refuse to actually maintain it properly and just pay of the inspectors, loved watching them show up to inspect only to walk into the front gate......then walk right back out...

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Straven 2 years ago

Early on the point made where investments are put into pockets instead of further growing/strengthening the thing making them money...letting them rot and degrade instead hence destroying them and causing massive amounts of accidents. Yeah. Can't keep making money if its all lost plus some in lawsuit's and constant crashes destroying said investments.

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